Chapter 290 It's So Shameless
After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, he was about to leave. Yan Heng's eyes darkened behind him, showing a hint of displeasure, but he didn't become angry because of this.

Seeing Chu Yunxi turn around and walk away, Yan Heng's deep and dark voice sounded again: "Princess, please stay."

This is sincerely trying to keep her, and this is also giving Chu Yunxi great face. The prince took the initiative to let her stay, and replaced it with another woman, so she stayed happily.

It's a pity that Chu Yunxi is not another woman, she never thought of staying in Yanling Palace, so even if Yan Heng asked her to keep her, she didn't hesitate at all, walked out the door without stopping, and said: " Please rest early, my lord, it's late at night."

Yan Heng's face turned cold behind him, his black pupils were even more chilly, and his voice became cold unconsciously.

"Has the princess forgotten her identity?"

It's a pity that no one paid attention to him outside, Yan Heng was so angry that he raised his hand and knocked down the tables and chairs in the main hall.

Outside, Mu Xiu and Fu Sheng looked at each other, the prince fell to the floor, and obviously asked to keep the princess, and the princess didn't give any face.

The palace is afraid that there will be another storm, how long will it be sunny.

Chu Yunxi naturally heard the loud noise in the East Hall, but she didn't seem to hear it, and took Qing Yan and others all the way back to the West Hall.

Qingyan looked at the princess in front of her with a puzzled face. The prince obviously wanted to keep the princess, but the princess didn't. What does this mean?
Chu Yunxi didn't bother to pay attention to what other people were thinking, and went straight to her room to sleep.

The next day, before dawn, someone knocked on the window outside the house. Chu Yunxi woke up with a start, and asked in a deep voice, "Who?"

Qingyan's voice sounded from outside: "Returning to the princess, the prince sent someone to send a message just now, saying that the Duke of Chu committed suicide in prison in fear of crime."

Chu Yunxi turned over and sat up in shock. Chu Yutang was dead, committed suicide in fear of crime?

Chu Yunxi thought of what Yan Heng said before, and the old emperor murdered him.

Chu Yutang deserved what he deserved. He was obviously incompetent, but he wanted to hold great power. If he hadn't cooperated with the old emperor to kill his brother, the Chu family would not have ended, and neither would he.

So poor people must have something to hate.

I don't know if he has the face to see the Chu family and his brother after he dies underground.

After daybreak, the Holy Majesty issued several decrees. First, Chu Yutang committed suicide in fear of crime, and the Chu family was deprived of the position of Duke. From then on, the Chu family was just a commoner. Make an investigation, otherwise, if the investigation continues, the whole family of the Chu family will be questioned and beheaded.

Second, several generals under Chu Yutang also participated in the case of treason against the former Duke of Chu, so the emperor decreed that they should be confiscated and imprisoned together. Among them was Pan Lang, the chariot general.

Third, in order to appease Chu Yunxi and Chu Yunzhao, the Holy Majesty made a special decree to make Chu Yunxi Princess Qingyi, and Chu Yunzhao Prince Qingyue, and rewarded countless rare treasures.

This imperial edict was sent directly to Yanling Palace, and Chu Yunxi and Chu Yunzhao accepted the imperial edict.

Chu Yunxi looked at the imperial decree and the rewards, with a mocking smile on his lips, Yuwen Lingtian was shameless enough to deprive the Chu family of his position as Duke, and bestowed the title of Young Master Qingyue on his younger brother .

Obviously his younger brother is also a member of the Chu family, if he wants to appease them, he should grant Zhaozhao the heir of the Duke of Chu.

But the Holy Majesty didn't do that, and Chu Yunxi knew why the old emperor didn't grant Zhaozhao the heir of the Duke of Chu.

Because if Zhaozhao became the eldest son of the Duke of Chu, the 20 Chu family army would still belong to the Chu family.

So the sage deprived the Duke of Chu of his position as the Duke of the Kingdom, demoted the Chu family to the end, and became commoners.In this way, the 20 military power of the Chu family fell into the hands of the Holy Majesty.

 Chu Yutang is finally dead, and the Chu family has become commoners.

(End of this chapter)

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