Chapter 292 Not a Good Match
Yan Heng's words made Liu Ruqin very excited, his cousin was so polite to her.

Could it be that in the past few days, she sent things every day, so my cousin felt her heart.

"It's not hard, cousin, try the white fungus soup I cooked myself."

Yan Heng signaled Liu Ruqin to put it down, instead of pushing it aside as usual, he took a spoon and tasted it.

"Well, not bad, my cousin has a heart."

Yan Heng looked at Liu Ruqin with narrowed eyes, she was soft and charming, docile and pleasant, a woman should be so gentle, only such a woman can be loved by a man.

What kind of thing is Chu Yunxi? She doesn't want to stay in Yanling Prince's Mansion, so he doesn't care.

The position of Princess Yanling is often filled by people.

Whenever Yan Heng thinks about what happened last night, he becomes furious.

He looked up at Mu Xiu and ordered: "Go and call the princess."

"Yes, my lord," Mu Xiu felt miserable, and really wanted to persuade the lord, let's not do this, shall we?The relationship between Wangfei and you is just right, you did it again, you better not regret it.

But Yan Heng was in a fit of anger right now, and Mu Xiu really didn't dare to say it.

In the end, he could only walk out in response.

Chu Yunxi came over immediately after receiving Mu Xiu's report. As soon as she entered Yan Heng's room, she saw Yan Heng and Liu Ruqin talking warmly. How wonderful.

Chu Yunxi raised his eyebrows, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and saluted with a gentle and decent smile: "I have seen the prince."

Yan Heng raised her eyebrows and glanced at Chu Yunxi, but she didn't see any look of annoyance or regret on her face. The fire in Yan Heng's heart almost reached her eyebrows.

But when he looked at Liu Ruqin, there was a touch of tenderness in his eyes.

"Cousin go back first."

Liu Ruqin saw the contradiction between Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi, and she was secretly happy. If she took advantage of the situation at this time, she might be able to break through her cousin's defenses. If her cousin fell in love with her, Chu Yunxi What's the matter.

"Cousin, I'm going back, you have a good rest."

After Liu Ruqin finished speaking, she turned and walked out, ignoring Chu Yunxi.

Chu Yunxi didn't care, she looked at Yan Heng calmly, and when Liu Ruqin left, Yan Heng looked at Chu Yunxi with a gloomy expression, and waved the other people in the room to retreat.

In the end, only Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi were left in the room.

"Chu Yunxi, do you think this king must be you?"

Chu Yunxi looked up at Yan Heng, with a slight sneer on the corner of his mouth, because she knew he didn't have to be her, so she wouldn't accept him.

For the men of his era, firstly, men are too thoughtful and self-centered; secondly, they think in their bones that it is normal for a man to marry several women.

Even if he wants to keep her now, it is only because she is capable of being the princess of Yanling, not because he thinks his woman must be her.

Either she doesn't want it, or she wants it is the only one.

So this man was never a good match for her.

Chu Yunxi thought about it, looked at Yan Heng calmly and said, "I know myself, the prince thinks too much."

Seeing her calm expression, Yan Heng became more and more furious. Angrily, he raised his hand and waved away the tremella soup that Liu Ruqin had brought earlier on the table.

"Chu Yunxi, you are doing well, I hope you don't regret your actions today, get out."

Chu Yunxi told An to back out, and there was another bang behind her, and Yan Heng smashed things in the room again.

Outside the house, Wei Li, Mu Xiu, Fu Sheng and others watched in shock, but Chu Yunxi looked calm.

She was even thinking about whether she should leave Yanling Prince's Mansion. Although it is not the best time now, it is not impossible for her to leave now.

Just thinking of Yu Wenye who forced her predecessor to death, she finally felt unwilling.

Forget it, wait a little longer, Yan Heng has annoyed her now, and probably won't look for her again in the days to come, they just don't offend each other like this,

After she tidied up Yu Wenye, she left Yanling Palace.

Chu Yunxi figured it out, and walked briskly all the way to the west hall of Molan Hall.

Looking at her back, Mu Xiu raised his foot and followed her, until he caught up with Chu Yunxi.

Mu Xiu couldn't help but said: "Princess, why are you doing this? The prince cares about the princess very much."

If he didn't care, he wouldn't be so angry.

But the concubine obviously didn't take the prince seriously, which was a blow to the prince.

Chu Yunxi turned to look at Mu Xiu, she smiled lightly and said, "Mu Xiu, I know your kindness, but this is not what I want."

After she finished speaking, she turned and left, ignoring Mu Xiu.

Mu Xiu's face is inexplicable, what does the princess want?

In the days that followed, everyone in Yanling Palace lived in dire straits, and the prince returned to his former indifferent and cold appearance. Show your face in front of the prince.

Compared to other people's trembling, Liu Ruqin lived quite comfortably, because Yan Heng only had a good face when facing her.

The servants of the palace couldn't help guessing secretly, could it be that the prince is tired of the princess and plans to marry Miss Biao into the palace as a side concubine.

Now, the servants of the Wangfu respected Liu Ruqin again, and wherever Liu Ruqin went, he was respected by others.

Chu Yunxi didn't care about these things, what she paid most attention to recently was Zhao Zhao's cultivation situation.

My younger brother is really against the sky. He cultivated to the second-level martial artist in one night, and he reached the ninth-level martial artist in five days.

Seeing that he was about to break through to become a martial artist.

Chu Yunxi simply didn't know what to say, sometimes she felt that Zhao Zhao was not a human anymore, can a human exaggerate like this?
But when she touched it, the little guy was still limp, and he was still her brother.

Chu Yunzhao is very happy recently, because his sister has been practicing with him, he is indescribably happy.

It's just that Chu Yunxi's sister and brother are happy, but the other master in the palace is getting more and more unhappy. The atmosphere in the palace is getting colder and colder. Finally, the old princess can't stand it anymore and ordered Chu Yunxi to go to Qicang Pavilion Take a trip.

In the Qicang Pavilion, the old concubine stretched out her hand to hold Chu Yunxi's hand, and said with a benevolent look, "Yunxi, tell me, what happened to you with Heng'er recently? Heng'er is so angry."

Chu Yunxi really didn't know what to say for a while, could she tell the old concubine that Yan Heng wanted her to be the real concubine of Yanling, wouldn't she be willing?

"We quarreled before, and I didn't bow my head, so the prince was angry."

That's all Chu Yunxi could say, the old concubine heard this, and immediately pulled her to speak gently.

"Yunxi, in fact, sometimes we women can't be too strong or too rigid. Softness can overcome rigidity, you know? Let me make an analogy, for example, what do you want a man to do, you can't order him forcefully, You can act coquettishly and let him do it for you, and you can see that things are done the same, but the effect is different."

"We women are born to be water, men are earth, water can and earth, isn't it?"

 The prince is dead again, please call him king

(End of this chapter)

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