Chapter 295 Men Don't Have A Good Thing
Before Chu Yunxi finished speaking, he saw clearly that the person who made the sudden attack turned out to be Ye Ling, the national teacher. Ye Ling was still dressed in simple white clothes, with black hair hanging down his head, as if he was not eating fireworks. There was a faint coldness in his black pupils.

He looked at Chu Yunxi with a half-smile and said, "The princess is really hard to see."

Chu Yunxi frowned and stared at Ye Ling, "Let go of me, or I'll call someone."

Ye Ling said lightly: "You can try it, the faster you call people, the faster I can restrain you."

Chu Yunxi didn't bother to scream, she looked at Ye Ling and said, "What do you want to do?"

Ye Ling shook her head: "No, it's not what I want to do? It's what you want to do? Do you really like Yanling Wang Yanheng?"

Chu Yunxi glared at Ye Ling angrily and said, "It's none of your business."

Ye Ling sneered, he smiled and leaned close to Chu Yunxi's ear, Chu Yunxi smelled the elegance in him that was different from Yan Heng, and asked uncomfortably, "What are you doing?"

Ye Ling said coolly, "I was thinking about whether to kill you, you know? You ruined my good deed."

When it came to the end, his voice could not be said to be sinister, and Chu Yunxi could easily feel the murderous aura in his words.

This man really wanted to kill her.

"So you showed up to kill me?"

Ye Ling raised her eyes and looked at Chu Yunxi from top to bottom and said, "What should I do? I'm a little bit reluctant, it's rare to see such a beautiful and smart woman, I really want to keep you, or if you leave Yan Heng, Come to the side of the national teacher, no matter what you want, the national teacher can get it for you."

Chu Yunxi chuckled: "I believe you are the only ghost, you men don't have a good thing."

After hearing what Chu Yunxi said, Ye Ling's black pupils lit up slightly, and he said in an energetic tone, "Does this include Lord Yanling? He has annoyed you, why don't you leave him and come to my side."

"You're not a good person either," Chu Yunxi directly refused to save face.

Ye Ling's eyes became sharp for a moment, he raised his hand to lightly touch Chu Yunxi's neck, and said in a gloomy and cool voice, "Aren't you really afraid of death?"

Chu Yunxi said sneeringly: "Don't scare me, I know it's impossible for you to kill me in this kind of place."

The Qizhen Pavilion is not in vain. If you investigate, you will be able to find out the people who entered and exited. If Ye Ling kills her, he will definitely expose himself. He is not so stupid.

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Ye Ling let go of the hand touching Chu Yunxi's neck with appreciation: "My teacher really can't bear to kill you. There are few people in this world who are as smart as you."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "Tell me, whatever you want, I can give you whatever teacher you want."

Chu Yunxi said bluntly, "I want you to get out of here, can you?"

Ye Ling grinned: "Chu Yunxi, people in this country don't speak dark words. If you follow Yan Heng, you will only put yourself in danger. Do you know how many people want Yan Heng's life right now? How many people want your life? If you follow my national teacher, I can protect you from being hurt by anyone."

Chu Yunxi looked at Ye Ling with a sneer and said, "Why should I trust you, you don't even dare to reveal your true identity."

Yeling's black pupils darkened, and cold air gushed out like frost: "What did you say?"

Chu Yunxi mocked, "You're not deaf, so why ask more questions."

"You," Ye Ling gritted her teeth, and raised her hand to teach Chu Yunxi a lesson. At this moment, the voices of Qingyan and Qingwu rang out.

"Princess, where are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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