Chapter 302
Yan Heng was in a bad mood when he thought of Chu Yunxi's rejection of him, so he knew that Chu Yunxi was wholeheartedly trying to deal with the emperor, Sun Yuwenye, and he didn't bother to tell her the news. Who told her to make him unhappy? He is not happy, is it necessary for him to make her happy?
After Yan Heng finished speaking, he got up and wanted to go out, but Mu Xiu opened his mouth behind him, and was speechless for a long time, what a great opportunity, the prince didn't know how to grasp it.

Mu Xiuxiu regretted it, and Yan Heng's cold voice sounded: "By the way, today is the [-]th birthday of the old matriarch of Yong'an Houfu, so you should inform the princess to go to Yong'an Houfu with the old princess. "

Regardless of whether Chu Yunxi wants to be the princess of Yanling or not, she is the princess of Yanling right now, so she should have the courtesy she deserves.

After Yan Heng finished speaking, she turned around and left. When she reached the door, she said again: "Wait until it's almost noon before calling the princess."

Mu Xiu grinned and smiled behind him. Although the prince was hard-spoken, he still cared about the princess in his heart.

The West Hall of Molan Hall.

Chu Yunxi slept until almost noon, but was still woken up.

"Princess, wake up, wake up."

Qingyan's name was Chu Yunxi, and Chu Yunxi was a little unhappy. She hadn't slept for three whole days in order to make alchemy, and now she was sleeping soundly, but Qingyan woke her up, which was really annoying.

Chu Yunxi turned over while thinking, and pulled the thin quilt to cover her head.

"Let me sleep a little longer."

Qing Yan looked at the tired concubine on the bed silently. At this time, the concubine was like a cute little girl, without the dignity she had when she was awake.

But seeing that it was noon, the princess was going to Yong'an Hou Mansion to attend the old matriarch's birthday, and the old princess was still waiting for her.

Qing Yan thought about it, and pushed the person on the bed again.

"My lord, my lord asked Mu Xiu to come over and say that today is the birthday of the old matriarch of the Yong'an Hou Mansion. The lord asked you to go to Yong'an Hou Mansion with the old princess to attend the old matriarch's birthday banquet."

The person who was sleeping peacefully on the bed suddenly lifted the quilt and showed a pretty face: "You mean the prince asked me to go to Yong'an Hou Mansion with the old concubine for a banquet."

"Yes, princess."

Qingyan's face is unclear, so the princess seems to be very happy, she was obviously not happy before.

Could it be that the princess likes to attend other people's banquets, Qing Yan was thinking, Chu Yunxi had already thrown off the brocade quilt and got out of bed, she ordered while getting up: "Ask someone to come in and dress me up, I'm going to the banquet. "

The Marquis of Yong'an is the grandparent's house of the emperor Sun Yuwenye. If she wants to deal with Yuwenye, she will naturally go in and out of the place where Yuwenye appears. It is not a good way to always hide and not move.

Although Qingyan didn't understand her princess's thoughts, she was happy to see that she was willing to attend the banquet.

While calling people to come in to dress up the princess, she ordered people to prepare some food.

After Chu Yunxi finished dressing up and had some food, it was getting late.

The old concubine sent someone to remind her again, and Luluo, the number one servant girl under the old concubine, said respectfully: "Princess, the old concubine asked the servants to come and invite the concubine."

Chu Yunxi nodded, and led Qingyan and Qingwu all the way outside.

Outside the gate of Prince Yanling's mansion, there are two luxurious carriages parked. The old princess, princess Yan Xueying, and Liu Ruqin are sitting on the carriage in front, and a few maids are sitting in the carriage behind. .

When Chu Yunxi appeared, the old concubine lifted the curtain to look over.

"Yun Xi, come up quickly."

Chu Yunxi was a little astonished. At first she thought that the old princess would be angry, but she didn't expect that not only was the old princess not angry, but she even called her Yun Xi affectionately.

 Thanks to the little princesses who donated yesterday, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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