Chapter 416 Sizhou case

The prime minister said: "Although what the prince of Yanling did was right, the prince refused to obey the order because he saved people. This matter is ultimately the prince's fault. What's more, the prince also caused Wang Daoan to be killed at the Longxing post station. The prince always wants to give an explanation to the Holy One?"

After the prime minister finished speaking, Yan Heng smiled lazily and said, "Actually, I forgot to tell the Holy One one thing. Wang Daoan did not die. The one who died at the Longxing Post Station was a substitute arranged by this king."

After Yan Heng finished speaking, he continued without waiting for Yuwen Lingtian to ask.

"In fact, this king went to Luanyang to save people, firstly to save the concubine and the people, and secondly, to create a false image, this king left Wang Daoan, so that the people watching in the dark can take advantage of the opportunity to manipulate, In this way, the king may be able to catch the person behind the Sizhou case, but it is a pity that although the murderer was caught, he took poison and committed suicide."

"However, although those people committed suicide by taking poison, I still found some signs from them. Those people are by no means ordinary killers, but well-trained dead soldiers. Everyone has poisonous fangs hidden in their mouths. If ordinary A killer would never have such a meticulous move, and a murderer is not something ordinary people can afford, so there is a big fish hidden behind the Sizhou case."

After Yan Heng finished speaking, his black pupils coolly swept across Yu Wenye's face on the side of the main hall.

At this time, Yu Wenye's hands and feet were cold, and his heart was full of panic. It was obvious that he had people staring at Wang Dao'an before, and he didn't leave a step.

When was Wang Daoan replaced? He was taken away by Yan Heng, did he say anything, and the fake Wang Daoan was killed at the Longxing Station. The real Wang Daoan knew, so would he not say anything?
Yu Wenye quickly thought of a countermeasure, and finally his eyes fell on the side of the main hall, Lu Rui, Minister of the Household Department, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally.

It seemed that he had no choice but to sacrifice Lu Rui. He did not directly intervene in Sizhou's money. Everything was left to Lu Rui.

So Wang Daoan also confessed to Lu Rui.

Opposite Lu Rui's face was a little pale, with cold sweat seeping from his forehead, he raised his eyes to look at Yu Wenye who was opposite, and seeing the same unsightly expression on the eldest grandson's face, Lu Rui knew that he might not be able to hide this time.

If Wang Daoan handed him over, no one would be able to protect him, not even the eldest grandson of the emperor, and he would not be able to protect himself.

The Holy Majesty was clearly very angry about the matter of Sizhou. Even if he favored the eldest grandson of the emperor, he would not allow others to obey others, and would not take his words to heart.

In the hall, many important officials in the court were surprised and made noises one after another.

"My lord said that Wang Daoan didn't die, it was a fake death. The reason why my lord went to Luanyang was to catch the people behind him?"

"It's great that Wang Daoan is not dead."

Those who spoke were all from Qin Wang's party and Chu Wang's party. They knew well that their master hadn't put his hand into the official bank of the Sizhou case, so it was the eldest grandson of the emperor who did the tricks.

They naturally hoped that the Sizhou case would break out, and His Highness Guangyanghou quickly stood up and said: "Please investigate this matter strictly, the embezzlement of the official bank for repairing the embankment is clearly not paying attention to the people and not paying attention to the Holy Majesty." In my eyes, if the instigator behind the scenes is found out, he will be severely punished."

After Guangyang Hou finished speaking, someone stood up and responded: "Please ask the Holy Spirit to order a strict investigation into this matter."

Yuwen Lingtian looked at the situation in the main hall, and at the arrogant Yan Heng who was standing next to him, he almost died of anger.

He originally wanted to punish Yan Heng's crimes, but in the end he brought up the Sizhou case, and from this, Yan Heng was not only innocent, but also meritorious, because it was said that he deliberately led out the behind-the-scenes of the messenger.

(End of this chapter)

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