Chapter 424 No Temperance at All
Chu Yunxi reached out and hugged Yan Heng's waist coquettishly: "Yan Heng, I'm really tired, let me sleep for a while."

She rubbed her face against Yan Heng's waist, her expression was so indescribably cute, Yan Heng was almost aroused by her.

He said bluntly: "Is Xi'er staying with this king?"

Chu Yunxi was startled, and felt that Yan Heng's aura had changed. She quickly let go of Yan Heng's strong waist. Is this person a beast?Once teased, you will be in heat.

Where is the noble and glamorous Yan Heng from before, return it to my prince soon.

Chu Yunxi cursed in his heart, and Yan Heng's slightly drunken voice sounded above his head again: "Okay, if you don't want to get up, let someone prepare something for you, eat before going to bed."

Chu Yunxi thanked happily: "Thank you husband, husband is the best."

Yan Heng was very happy when he heard that, he leaned over and kissed Chu Yunxi on the lips, then he touched Chu Yunxi's face, and said: "Remember to eat, eat before going to sleep."

"Well, I know," Chu Yunxi blinked his big eyes, as if I would be very good, Yan Heng really didn't believe it, after he walked out, he didn't forget to tell Qingyan and Qingwu.

"Watch the princess eat something, if the princess doesn't eat, come back and see how the king punishes you."

"Yes, my lord," the two girls responded in panic. As soon as the lord left, the two rushed in to prepare something to eat. Chu Yunxi heard Yan Heng's order first, and didn't want to make things difficult for Qingyan and Qingwu, so the two of them After preparing the food, she started to eat.

While eating, Chu Yunxi did not forget to talk to Qingyan.

"Qingyan, I promised to detoxify your poison body for you before, and when I wake up after sleep, I will list you a formula of medicinal materials needed to detoxify your body, and you, look around for these medicinal materials, If you have something in the palace, you can take it from the palace, if you don’t have it, you can find it from outside, and I will look for it for you.”

"I'll tell you how to detoxify your poison body when all the medicinal materials are found, but you have to be mentally prepared. This poison body is not like ordinary poisoning. You only need to take a few pills. Your poison body, I'm afraid It will take two or three months to completely detoxify the body."

Qing Yan was already excited, she knelt down and thanked with a plop: "Thank you, Princess."

"Get up, this is what I promised you, and it will naturally be done."

After Chu Yunxi took a few mouthfuls, she asked the two servant girls to remove the food. Qing Yan and Qingwu saw that she hadn't eaten a few mouthfuls, and persuaded her, "Princess, eat more."

Chu Yunxi shook her head, now she just wants to sleep and not eat.

"I'll get up and eat later, just don't tell your father."

"The slaves won't tell the prince," Qingyan and Qingwu removed the things. In fact, they knew why their princess was so tired. The prince is really capable of tossing around. No wonder the princess couldn't bear it.

But this kind of thing, they can't say as slaves.

When Chu Yunxi woke up again, it was already afternoon. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a pink face in front of the bed, looking at her worriedly.

Seeing her wake up, the little guy reached out and touched her head, and said worriedly, "Sister, are you sick?"

Chu Yunxi had enough sleep, and now she is in good spirits. Hearing Zhao Zhao's words, she said strangely: "No, how could Zhao Zhao think that her sister is sick?"

"Brother Fu Sheng said it. When I came over in the morning, he said that my sister was sick and needed to rest."

(End of this chapter)

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