Chapter 444 Insidious
After finishing speaking, Chu Yunxi stood up and said, "Since the old concubine wants to see me, then go."

This time she didn't even call her mother and concubine, Jiang Nanny's heart trembled, why did she feel that this matter was getting worse and worse, originally she wanted to persuade the princess to bow her head, but it turned out like this.

Seeing the princess like this, is she bowing her head?It's not bad if you don't spray the old princess with blood all over her face.

A group of people entered the Qicang Pavilion all the way. The old concubine's complexion was particularly bad, and she looked at Chu Yunxi with sullen eyes, but she didn't get angry immediately, she just said coolly.

"The concubine is really carefree. She sleeps until noon and doesn't know how to say hello to her mother-in-law."

Chu Yunxi looked at her and said: "Isn't the old concubine displeased with me? Since I dislike me, I won't disturb your eyes. Isn't that good?"

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Liu Ruqin, who was sitting below, said as if she had caught something wrong: "Biao sister-in-law, why don't you even call me concubine mother?"

The old concubine's face turned dark now, and she didn't notice the address in Chu Yunxi's words at first.

"what do you mean?"

"I mean, since the old princess doesn't like me, why don't I give up the position of princess, is the old princess satisfied?"

In the room, Liu Ruqin's eyes lit up when he heard this.

The old concubine said angrily, "Chu Yunxi, are you threatening me? Do you think I'm afraid of your threats?"

Chu Yunxi looked at the old concubine, and said inexplicably: "When did I threaten you? You make trouble when you see me, and trouble when you see me. Don't you think I don't like it? Since you don't like me , I’ll just go, why is it threatening you again.”

Chu Yunxi really wanted to leave, these two people hate each other, why bother to live together.

Although Yan Heng dotes on her very much, his attitude is not enough to make the old concubine understand that her son only loves her, the only one he loves in this life, without her, he would not marry anyone else.

If the old concubine understood this, Chu Yunxi believed that the old concubine would not torment her like this.

So after all, the root of everything still lies in Yan Heng.

He never felt that she was the only woman in his life, that there was no one else but her.

Right now he likes her and dotes on her, but it seems that he is still far away from the only one, but what she wants has always been the only one.

Since it is not the only one, it is better not to.

So if the old concubine wants to take away the name of Princess Yanling, she will offer it with both hands.

First of all, the old concubine was so angry with Chu Yunxi that she never thought about not allowing Chu Yunxi to be the concubine of Yanling Palace. This woman can still be a concubine, but what does she mean?He even threatened her.

"You, do you think I dare not drive you out of Yanling Palace?"

As soon as the old concubine opened her mouth, Mother Jiang hurried to her ear and whispered: "Old master, if the prince knows, he will be angry, and if you kick the concubine out, if the prince brings her back again, this is not beating you." face? You have to listen to the prince about this matter."

The old concubine was stunned, and then she became more sober. The son was looking for this woman right now. Didn't she have a relationship with his son?She really almost fell for this woman, insidious.

The old concubine thought about it, and said with a bad face: "Chu Yunxi, it's not that I didn't kick you out, but that you saved my son's life. I can't be ungrateful."

After she finished speaking, she didn't bother to talk to Chu Yunxi any more, because the more she talked, the angrier she became, and she couldn't fight Chu Yunxi at all.

(End of this chapter)

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