Chapter 459 Symptoms
The singing and dancing in the hall continued until Princess Jia'an was brought over.

"The princess is here."

As soon as Princess Jia'an arrived, the singing and dancing stopped in the main hall, and the dancers quickly retreated. Princess Jia'an Yu Wenzhen walked in from outside the hall. Her body was terribly thin and could be blown away by a gust of wind. Her face was covered with A veil, a plain white veil covering her face, so no one can see her face, nor her hands and feet.

The two maids behind her were also dressed in exactly the same way, and the three walked in from outside the palace all the way.

Yeluzhong was dissatisfied as soon as he saw the figure appearing, so thin and weak, can he bear it?How many times can this be tossed.

Why is the princess of Dongchen like a refugee who has not eaten? It seems that she is better than a woman from Beiyao country. She is tall and fit, and she is fine after tossing all night.

Just as Yeluzhong was thinking, Yu Wenzhen had already walked to the front of the hall and knelt down to salute: "I have seen my father."

Yuwen Lingtian looked at Yu Wenzhen's face covered properly, and was very unhappy. People covered their face because they were mysterious, sexy, or seductive. She covered her face like a ghost, and she was so thin because she didn't eat?The dignified princess was so thin that a gust of wind could blow her away.

It was really embarrassing for him, Yuwen Lingtian was furious and snorted coldly.

"Jia'an, it's okay, what are you doing with your face covered?"

There was a flash of indifference in Yu Wenzhen's eyes, and she said slowly: "If you go back to the father, the son is sick, so you cover your face because you are afraid of scaring the father."

"Sick, what's wrong?" She fell ill just after he got her into a marriage. It couldn't be on purpose.

Yuwen Lingtian said angrily: "What's wrong with you, why didn't you see a doctor?"

Yu Wenzhen said unhurriedly: "The doctor said there is no time."

Yu Wenzhen's words made many courtiers of His Royal Highness sympathize with this princess. It's a pity that a princess can't even invite a doctor.

Yeluzhong, the fourth prince of Beiyao Kingdom, was even more unhappy. This is still a princess who fell out of favor, so it would be embarrassing for him to marry back.

Earlier, Yu Wenzhen didn't bother to say anything more, this father had no humanity at all, he didn't care for a daughter like her, and she didn't care for a father like him either.

Yu Wenzhen took off the veil on her face in the palace, and the two maids behind her also took off their veils.

As soon as the three of them took off their veils, everyone in the hall exclaimed in unison: "Oh my god, isn't this some kind of infectious disease?"

"It's too scary," everyone shrank back, and those who had just eaten before felt like vomiting.

Yuwen Lingtian was also taken aback, and hurriedly ordered the eunuch to go to Doctor Xuan to come over.

The doctor was Dr. Zuo Yi, who had led the team to the three villages in Luanyang with Chu Yunxi. After Dr. Zuo came in and saluted the Holy Majesty, he began to check the princess's body. Soon, he looked up at the Holy Majesty and said, "Go back. According to the words of the Holy Majesty, the princess is a kind of infected herpes sores, which are very easy to infect. After the blisters on her body break the skin, they will be infected wherever they flow. This kind of disease will cause fever and vomiting in the later stage. If the body is not healthy It was so hard to resist."

After Physician Zuo finished speaking, the four princes of Beiyao Kingdom under the main hall called out: "My lord, I don't want such a woman, please take it back."

Yuwen Lingtian feels embarrassing today, firstly the Fourth Prince Yeluzhong revealed his affair with the Crown Princess, and now his own daughter has such a disease, and is rejected by others.

 I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year, all wishes come true in 2018, and everything goes well, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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