Chapter 462

Yu Wenye and Ye Liyue quickly parted and turned around, and saw a tall, heroic woman standing on the passageway behind her. This woman was Pang Wenying, the daughter of General Pang Longpang who is currently in charge of the Chu family army. .

Pang Wenying is the future concubine of the emperor's eldest grandson that the Holy Majesty pointed out to the emperor's eldest grandson. Now she saw Yu Wenye and Ye Liyue kissing each other with her own eyes, and it was so inseparable. As the future wife of the emperor's eldest grandson, she saw Seeing that the eldest grandson of the emperor was so intimate with other women, Pang Wenying couldn't stand it and cried out.

After she yelled, she turned around and ran away. Behind her, Yu Wenye let go of Ye Liyue and chased Pang Wenying in front of her.

Right now, he is in a very unfavorable situation. The Pang family is his greatest reliance. If he loses the Pang family again, then his battle for the heir apparent this time will really be a complete failure.

Ye Liyue, who was at the back, looked at the man who was chasing other women in front, tears finally flowed down her face.

Although she knew that her cousin didn't like Pang Wenying, seeing the man she liked chasing after other women, Ye Liyue felt her heart ache.

Why on earth did they come to this point? In the past, my cousin liked her wholeheartedly and wanted to marry her wholeheartedly.

It was she who trained him to be like this, taught him how to fight for the crown prince, taught him how to get close to Chu Yuyan, and abandoned Chu Yunxi, but now everything has deviated from the original intention. Cousin doesn't like Chu Yuyan, but he can be calm. Sleeping with that woman, my cousin didn't like Pang Wenying, but chased Pang Wenying away.

Cousin doesn't care about her feelings anymore, is this really what she wants?
In the dark night of the palace, Ye Liyue burst into tears like rain, crying so hard that she couldn't help herself.

Yu Wenye in front couldn't feel the heartache of the woman behind him at all, he just chased Pang Wenying, trying to stop Pang Wenying's footsteps.

It's a pity that Pang Wenying ran very fast, and she cried while running, which is really deceiving.

Someone sent her a letter before, but she still didn't believe it. If the grandson of the emperor really liked this young lady from the Ye family, he could marry the young lady of the Ye family, so why marry her.

But now she saw with her own eyes that the eldest grandson of the emperor really liked this Miss Ye, and she saw with her own eyes that they kissed so hard that they couldn't part each other.

The more Pang Wenying thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became. She knew that the Holy Majesty had assigned her to the eldest grandson of the emperor, but she was happy for a long time.

Knowing the bad things that happened to the emperor's eldest grandson, he was still happy in his heart. Which man is not ridiculous, but now it is not an absurd thing, but the emperor's eldest grandson likes other women.

That woman is still the number one beauty in the capital, Ye Liyue, can she compete with Ye Liyue?

The more Pang Wenying thought about it, the more sad she became, and Yu Wenye yelled from behind: "Wenying, wait for me, listen to me, things are not what you think, it's because I'm too uncomfortable, so my cousin comforted me..."

Listening to the words behind her, Pang Wenying was thinking whether to stop and give him a chance, when suddenly a eunuch's voice sounded from the ramp: "Your Highness, you are here, so that the old slave can easily find you. Your Majesty wants you to go back."

After hearing what the eunuch said, Yu Wenye was very annoyed, and now he didn't want to see Yuwen Lingtian.

In fact, Yuwen Lingtian is also very uncomfortable seeing Yuwen Ye now, but the envoy of Beiyao Kingdom is still in the palace right now.If Yu Wenye didn't show up, what would the envoys think, what would the ministers think?

(End of this chapter)

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