Chapter 470 Strong oppression
When the old concubine said this, she paused for a while, squinted at Chu Yunxi, and after a while, she spoke slowly again.

"Qin'er hurt her body to save her cousin before, and she couldn't even conceive, so if she marries someone else, I'm afraid she will be frustrated early, so I pity her and let Heng'er accept her as the palace side concubine."

"Don't worry, she won't be able to win your favor with her appearance like that, she just finds a nest in the palace to treat her, we just need to raise her."

After the old concubine finished speaking, Chu Yunxi suddenly understood what the pusher behind Liu Ruqin was going to do, so she still couldn't figure it out.

The pusher behind him wanted Liu Ruqin to enter the Yanling Palace smoothly, and that person knew that Liu Ruqin was injured, so he was very sure that he could enter the Yanling Palace. In this way, it was a good way to alienate her. And Yan Heng, and he succeeded, Chu Yunxi smiled, what a good trick.

After the old concubine finished speaking, she didn't give Chu Yunxi a chance to speak, and called out: "Qin'er, come in."

Liu Ruqin, who was wearing a white fox fur cloak, walked in, with two maids beside her supporting her.

Her face is very pale, and against the white fox fur cloak, she looks more and more frail, and I feel pity for her.

She gasped after taking a step, and then coughed, the coughing sound was so loud that she wanted to cough out her lungs.

Chu Yunxi looked carefully, and found that Liu Ruqin had indeed hurt her body.

It's not that it can't be adjusted, but it's none of her business.

Chu Yunxi looked at the people who walked in indifferently, and the old princess had already ordered Liu Ruqin: "Qin'er, kneel down for your cousin, she will be your mistress from now on."

This was forcing her to pressure her, and Liu Ruqin knelt down tremblingly after hearing what the old concubine said.

As soon as Chu Yunxi moved away, she slowly got up and looked at the old concubine and Liu Ruqin and said, "The old concubine doesn't need to let Miss Liu kneel, I will give up this position."

"The truth is that the old concubine may not know it. At the beginning, I told the prince that we were just cooperating, and we will be divorced in the future."

"What?" The old princess looked surprised, cooperated, and left.

"You, you?" Although the old concubine has been annoyed at Chu Yunxi recently, she never thought of letting this woman become a concubine, so she was momentarily stunned.

Chu Yunxi said again: "So the old concubine just needs to talk to the prince about this matter, and I will automatically give up my position."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked out. Liu Ruqin, who was beside her, saw her going out, and suddenly stretched out her hand to grab her clothes and said, "Cousin-in-law, don't be angry with cousin, if you..."

Liu Ruqin coughed again, but she struggled to finish the sentence: "Biao sister-in-law, don't be angry, I'll go back to Qizhou right away, I won't hinder my cousin's eyes."

Chu Yunxi looked at Liu Ruqin condescendingly, and said coldly: "Let go, and don't play tricks in front of my eyes, you will only make me feel sick."

Since her health is not good, she just needs to take care of her health. At this time, I still don't forget to play tricks on her.

It was so annoying, Chu Yunxi walked away, ignoring Liu Ruqin who couldn't catch her breath and passed out behind her.

"Miss Biao, Miss Biao."

Someone screamed from behind, but Chu Yunxi didn't seem to hear it. She walked out of the Qicang Pavilion, looked at Qingyan and Qingwu beside her and said, "It's almost time for us to go."

Qing Yan felt a little sad when she heard that, she knew that the master was not completely ruthless towards the prince.

"The prince will definitely not accept Miss Biao, so the master may not need to leave."

(End of this chapter)

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