Chapter 472 The Flower of Death
Yu Wenye's expression was unprecedentedly hostile. The crown princess Ye Rong was a little injured. This son has always been very filial. What's wrong now?
"Ye'er, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Wenye's appearance at this time was a bit scary, with disheveled hair, red eyes, and scary dark circles under his eyes.

Ye Rong was startled seeing him like this, she took a step forward to touch Yu Wenye's face to see if he was sick.

It's just that Ye Rong's hand didn't touch Yu Wenye's face, so Yu Wenye avoided it. He looked at the Crown Princess Ye Rong with blood-red eyes and said, "Don't touch me, I think you're dirty."

Ye Rong's head buzzed when she said you were dirty, her face turned pale all of a sudden, and she opened her mouth for a long time without saying a word.

But Yu Wenye roared like a lunatic: "How can you betray the father, the father is so kind to you, how can you do such a shameless thing, or with your own father-in-law, you know that the outside world is now What is it? People in the whole capital are talking about this matter, and the envoys of Beiyao Kingdom made fun of it in front of the palace. How can you let me face others? Why are you so shameless? "

Ye Rong's face became paler, and cold tears rolled down her face. She felt that her heart was dead at this moment, and there was no light at all. Her heart was pressed by a boulder, making her breathless. , she shook her head and screamed: "Shut up, stop talking, stop talking."

No one in this world is as embarrassing as she is, being accused by others and being criticized by her own son.

Ye Rong laughed miserably, laughing, and slowly she turned and retreated. After Yu Wenye vented in the study, he was stunned. Seeing Ye Rong rushing out, he opened his mouth to scream, but he thought of what his concubine did. He couldn't call out those things in the end.

After Ye Rong rushed out of the study, she ran like crazy all the way to her own yard. Behind her, the nanny Hao Shi chased her and called: "Mother, run slowly, be careful."

After Ye Rong rushed into the courtyard where she lived, she locked herself in the room. The nanny Hao Shi called out worriedly: "Madam, Your Highness belongs to a child's family. He just got angry for a while. Don't be angry with him." , I’ll help you talk about him later, how can you listen to other people’s words.”

In the room, Ye Rong just cried, and she stopped crying for a long time. Then she opened the door and looked at the nurse and said, "Forget it, can I argue with my son? The nurse can come in and clean up for me."

The nanny saw that although Ye Rong's face was pale, but her spirit was quite normal, she breathed a sigh of relief, she was afraid that Ye Rong would get into the horns and do something stupid.

Seeing her like this now, she should be fine, the nanny cleaned up Ye Rong carefully, and Ye Rong also talked to the nanny about her childhood, she seemed to be in a good mood.

The nanny saw that the expression on her face became more and more peaceful, and her heart finally fell to the ground.

Seeing that the night was getting late and it was almost dawn, Ye Rong whispered to the nanny, "Nurse, go to bed, I'm tired and want to sleep for a while."

The nanny was still worried about Ye Rong, and insisted on guarding Ye Rong on the couch in front of Ye Rong's bed, but Ye Rong did not refuse.

It's just that the nanny fell asleep very quickly, and she didn't wake up until it was almost dawn. She opened her eyes in a daze, and the first thing she saw was a shocking red, the red blood on the bed, and in that redness, The crown princess Ye Rong lay quietly, her black hair blooming like a flower of death in full bloom.

 I'm sorry for the little princesses who waited at night. In fact, Xiao Tong got the chapter up in the middle of the night, but the editor messed it up for me.

(End of this chapter)

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