The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 480 May We Not See You in This Life

Chapter 480 May We Not See You in This Life

Chu Yunxi and Qingyanqingwu are men's clothing, Zhao Zhao and Xiaodouzi are women's clothing.

Zhaozhao was still very shy at first, unwilling to change: "Sister, it's strange that people don't want to wear this."

Chu Yunxi looked at him and said seriously: "Then do you want to be arrested?"

Chu Yunzhao remained silent, and immediately changed into women's clothes obediently. After changing into women's clothes, the two little guys were extraordinarily cute and beautiful, just like two tender little girls.

After Chu Yunxi changed into men's clothes, he became a suave young man, and He Yunhe on one side couldn't take his eyes off him.

After Qingyan and Qingwu glanced at each other, they both knew one thing, this Mr. He seemed to be interested in his master.

You can do it, my lord, until the master is stolen away by others, and you will hate it.

Qingyan and Qingwu also changed into men's clothes. After changing into men's clothes, they looked more like men than Chu Yunxi.

Because Qingyan is tall and Qingwu is slightly fatter, it is more suitable after changing into men's clothing.

Chu Yunxi is too thin. After changing into men's clothes, if you look closely, you can still see the flair on her body.

In order to prevent others from discovering the flaws, Chu Yunxi took some more medicinal materials and made a simple disguise until no one could recognize them.

"Let's go, out of town."

The carriage went all the way to the outside of the city, but on the way, I heard many people talking about the death of the crown princess Ye Rong.

Chu Yunxi knew about Ye Rong's death, so it was difficult for everyone to suspect that she had anything to do with Sheng Sheng, after all, she would prove her innocence by death.

But if you say nothing, it won't matter. In short, the emperor Sun Yuwenye is having a hard time now, and Chu Yunxi has avenged all the revenge for his predecessor.

She is now leaving with peace of mind.

The carriage drove out of the gate of the capital, Chu Yunxi raised the curtain and looked back, she smiled softly and whispered, Yan Heng, I don't want you anymore, I hope we will never see each other again.After she finished speaking, she lowered the car curtain and ordered people to leave.

In the Qingyu Tower, Fu Sheng and his personal guards were still waiting for Chu Yunxi. Seeing that it was getting late, Fu Sheng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, why the princess didn't plan to go back yet.

No, he should invite her back home.

Fu Sheng got up and led a few guards all the way to the elegant room where Chu Yunxi was before. When he raised his hand and was about to knock on the door, the door was pulled open, and three people came out. There is a child, but there is no princess at all.

Fu Sheng panicked all of a sudden, he grabbed the woman who was the leader of the three and shouted, "There are other people here."

The woman looked puzzled: "Who else is it? It's just us."

After she finished speaking, she thought of something and said: "You are not talking about the people who invited us in for tea and food, are they? They left. By the way, they left a letter for you."

The woman pointed to the table, and sure enough, she left a letter.

Fu Sheng's head was buzzing, and he felt that his whole body was not well.

He didn't need to read it, he knew that the concubine was gone, and the letter was probably left for the prince.

Concubine, you really want the lives of your subordinates. How can the prince spare your subordinates once you leave.

Although Fu Sheng was afraid and worried, he had to take the letter back to Yanling Palace.

In Yanling Palace, Yan Heng was resting. Last night, he led someone to testify that Ye Ling, the state teacher, was Yeluzong, the prince of Beiyao Kingdom. He hadn't slept all night. Worried that Chu Yunxi left him without paying attention, so he was upset.

It wasn't until Chu Yunxi started having lunch that his heart relaxed a bit. Yan Heng didn't go out in the afternoon and rested in the mansion.

Until Fu Sheng came back with a letter.

(End of this chapter)

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