Chapter 483 What a coincidence

Mu Xiu, Wei Li and Fu Sheng hurriedly led people to follow, and the old concubine called out: "Mu Xiu, you must stop the prince from killing people."

Mu Xiu and Fu Sheng were so angry in their hearts, if they knew why they did it today, no one paid any attention to the old concubine.

The old concubine's body softened and she almost fell to the ground, just behind Mammy Jiang and others rushed over and took a step forward to support her.

The old concubine looked at Mother Jiang and said, "Could it be that I did something wrong, Heng'er, he wouldn't really kill the concubine, right?"

Mother Jiang glanced at the old concubine and said: "The prince is angry now, he is reluctant to kill the concubine, so don't worry, master."

The old concubine finally breathed a sigh of relief when she thought about it, but Mother Jiang said: "Master, you have also seen that the prince really likes the concubine, so you don't care about their affairs in the future, so you don't fall behind." .”

The old concubine was really frightened by this meeting, she shook her head with a pale face: "Is it okay if I don't care about it from now on? I hope Heng'er is fine."

Chu Yunxi didn't know that when she came out of Yanling Palace, she was in trouble at this moment.

Because she was afraid that Yan Heng would chase her, Chu Yunxi decided not to leave the confines of the capital for the time being. She and He Yunhe decided to temporarily rest in a villa more than 100 miles away from the capital.

It's just that Chu Yunxi didn't expect that the carriage would be stopped by someone on the way to Biezhuang.

The person who blocked her way was none other than a white-clothed, immortal national teacher who looked like he would not eat the fireworks of the world. No, he should be called Yeluxie, Prince of Beiyao.

"Oh, what a coincidence, isn't this the Master of the State Teacher?"

Chu Yunxi sneered, seeing the man's posture, he knew that he was here to intercept her.

Now Chu Yunxi knows that the person who was behind Liu Ruqin's back was the Master National Teacher. Otherwise, how could he just stop her here? This shows that he knows that she and Yan Heng are going to separate, and he He kept staring at Yanling Palace and her, so even if she changed her face, he could stop her.

Opposite Yeling, no, he told Yeluxie to chuckle lazily: "Why does Yun Xi mock Gu, Gu is here just waiting for you."

Chu Yunxi looked at Yeluxie coldly with an ugly face, and was about to scold him.

Unexpectedly, He Yunhe's cold shout came from behind him.

"What did you intercept us for?"

Yeluxie squinted at He Yunhe, with a dangerous glint in his eyes, this man also seemed to like Xiao Yunxi.

Xiao Yunxi is really a heartthrob, she has followers wherever she goes.

Yeluxie said lazily while thinking, "I'm here to pick up Xiao Yunxi and go to Beiyao Kingdom as a guest."

He Yunhe's face darkened when he heard it, and he directly refused politely: "We won't go."

Yeluxie said playfully, "Did I invite you, and which onion are you?"

He Yunhe was immediately annoyed by Yeluxie, his handsome face changed several times, and finally he didn't know what words to refute Yeluxie.

Chu Yunxi knew that He Yunhe was a relatively honest child, and that he would definitely suffer a disadvantage if he faced an insidious person like Yeluxie, so she raised her hand and patted He Yunhe's shoulder to make him calm down.

After Chu Yunxi comforted He Yunhe, he raised his eyes to look at Yeluxie, and said angrily, "Prince Yelu, please don't slander my friend, and I'm not interested in going to Beiyao Kingdom as a guest."

Yeluxie was not interested in the friends Chu Yunxi was talking about, he was interested in Xiao Yunxi.

"If Gu Fei wants Xiao Yunxi to go to Beiyao as a guest, what does Xiao Yunxi plan to do?"

"Hehe, when did Prince Yeluxie change his career to be a bandit again?" Chu Yunxi quickly thought about how to get rid of Yeluxie, an annoying guy. Since this guy appeared, it might not be easy to get rid of, but it was impossible for her to get rid of this annoying guy. The guy went to Beiyao country.

(End of this chapter)

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