Chapter 496
Chu Yunxi said quickly: "I see that you don't want your highness to get entangled with me, so let's just leave it alone. In addition, I didn't hurt your highness, I just let him fall into a coma for two hours."

The man in black on the opposite side raised his eyebrows to remind Chu Yunxi: "You blacked out the eyes of my Highness."

Chu Yunxi sneered and said, "Do you think your Highness shouldn't fight?"

The men in black thought for a while, their highness was indeed too annoying, people didn't want to see him, and he was still pestering them, probably everyone would be annoyed, so the men in black slowly backed away.

And just like what Chu Yunxi said, this subordinate doesn't want his master to get too entangled with this Miss Chu, after all, this person is Princess Yanling, who has been married before, and a person like His Highness who is so handsome, If you want to match, you should match a woman with an innocent net worth.

Chu Yunxi, He Yunhe and others left Wanglong Villa all the way, and headed for He Family's Tianling Pagoda.

At this time, on the side of the He family's spiritual pagoda, the members of the He family were talking with the smiling face and Yan Heng, who was full of hostility and had cold and gloomy eyes.

The old Patriarch said sincerely: "My lord, the concubine really didn't come to the He family. Since the last time she came to the He family to heal my grandson's leg, she hasn't appeared again. Let alone the concubine, even my grandson has disappeared. .”

When the old Patriarch said this, he felt heartache. He raised his eyes and glanced at the eldest son of the He family, He Yunmu, beside him.

He Yunmu's face was a little uneasy, he knew that his grandfather was blaming him for forcing his second brother away.

But the He family was supposed to be his, He Yunmu didn't think there was anything wrong with him.

He waited for Master He to finish his sentence, and quickly stood up and said: "Prince Yanling, the princess has indeed never been to the He family. If the prince doesn't believe it, you can ask someone to investigate."

Yan Heng's face was even more gloomy at this time, especially when he heard Patriarch He say that his grandson had disappeared.

The hostility on Yan Heng's body became heavier, Chu Yunxi was able to leave the capital smoothly, and a helper was indispensable for this. Who is that person?Could it be the second young master of the He family?

Thinking of this, Yan Heng wanted to kill someone, his eyes were red and ferocious, he looked at the head of the He family and said coldly and gloomyly: "It is best that the matter of my princess has nothing to do with your He family, if it has any connection with the He family, this king I will never spare the He family lightly."

Even though Yan Heng said so, his heart was burning like fire. As long as he thought of having other men by Chu Yunxi's side, he felt that he lost all reason in his mind.

Someone came over quickly from behind, it was all the subordinates of the Yanling Prince's Mansion.

Wei Li came over and quickly clasped his fists and said, "My lord, I checked, and there is no princess in the Tianling Pagoda."

"Have you found out about that maid?" Yan Heng was referring to Caizhu.

Wei Li shook his head quickly: "There is no trace of that maid."

As soon as Wei Li's words fell, Yan Heng's body was full of violence, because he had heard from Chu Yunxi before that her maid was sent to the Tianling Pagoda to practice by her, and now the maid is gone.

This means that someone took the maid away, and whoever was faster than him, he rushed here as soon as he received the letter, but now someone still took Caizhu away, except for the second son of the He family. There is no one else.

Yan Heng thought that Chu Yunxi and He Yunhe were together right now, like a raging lion, he raised his hand, powerful Yuan force rushed out, and there were constant rumbling sounds.

A hilltop not far away was half smashed by his powerful Yuanli, and in front of the hill was the Tianling Pagoda, and the He family couldn't help being startled.

(End of this chapter)

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