Chapter 501 Don't Want to See Her
Master He couldn't figure it out, he looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "Do you know that King Yanling is currently searching for your whereabouts, I'm afraid he will find out about your affairs in Tianling Pagoda soon , so you better go quickly."

"There are some things that I shouldn't say, but for the sake of the He family, I can't do anything about it. The Prince of Yanling said something harsh last time. If he knew that you were involved with the He family, he would definitely destroy my He family."

"Old man, please be considerate and considerate of our He Family." As soon as Master He finished speaking, two black-clothed subordinates outside shouted in panic: "Patriarch, just got the news that someone surrounded the He Family Academy."

Patriarch He's face immediately changed, as did Chu Yunxi's. Her first instinct was that Yan Heng was chasing after her.

So Chu Yunxi didn't dare to delay, and immediately asked Patriarch He to remove the barrier. She called Zhao Zhao and Xiaodouzi, and then flew up to the sixth floor of the Heavenly Spirit Pagoda to find Qingyan and Qingwu. They come down.

When they came down, they found that Patriarch He had long since disappeared, and they must have gone to meet Yan Heng.

Chu Yunxi was about to lead people to shoot out of the Tianling Pagoda. Outside the tower, Huan Feng, He Yunhe's subordinate, appeared. As soon as Huan Feng appeared, he quickly said: "It's too late, they came from the front, and they came very quickly. The young master asked me to take you through another exit."

"Okay," Chu Yunxi didn't think too much, followed Huanfeng and shot out from another exit of Tianling Pagoda. This is an escape exit. Most people don't know it. He Yunhe didn't tell anyone, so today Chu Yunxi Dodged a bullet.

Chu Yunxi took Zhao Zhao and Qing Yan out of the Tianling Pagoda. Outside the pagoda, He Yunhe was waiting. As soon as he saw them coming out, he rushed up quickly: "Let's go."

Chu Yunxi followed He Yunhe all the way to the mountains behind the Tianling Pagoda.

At this moment, she was so annoyed that she couldn't express it. What on earth was Yan Heng going to do? Could it be that he was angry because she wrote the He Li Shu and hurt his face.

But no matter what, she didn't want to see him again.

It's not that she is sad because of leaving him, but she can't bear what he has done, so let time slowly dilute these things.

Chu Yunxi followed He Yunhe all the way to the north, trying to escape from the northern mountains.

Here, in the Tianling Pagoda, Chu Yunxi had just left on the front foot, and Yan Heng rushed into the Tianling Pagoda with his back foot.

Yan Heng was followed by a group of members of the He family, and the head of the He family was even about to die at this moment, and he kept praying in his heart.

Don't let this master find out that Princess Yanling once appeared in Tianling Pagoda.

Do not.

But God obviously didn't hear the He family's prayer, when Yan Heng led people up to the four-story Heavenly Spirit Pagoda, he stopped in his tracks.

There was a hint of peach blossom fragrance floating in the air, which belonged to Chu Yunxi alone, and the fragrance was sultry.

Yanheng walked in the Tianling Pagoda on this floor, his eyes scanned every practitioner like a torch, he knew that his concubine was very cunning, she must be easy-going, so maybe some of these people One is her.

However, after Yan Heng searched, she confirmed that there was no little princess in the Tianling Pagoda on this floor, which meant that she knew he was coming, so she left.

Yan Heng's mind suddenly appeared in the He Li Shu written by Chu Yunxi that day, and a sentence left on the back.

Yanheng, I don't want to see you anymore.

Yeah, she didn't want to see him anymore, so when she knew he was coming, she left.

(End of this chapter)

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