Chapter 506
After hearing Huohuo's words, Chu Yunxi immediately let Huohuo drive this kind of exercise into her mind. She needs to practice this kind of exercise immediately, and then absorb the energy of Qingyan Qingwu and others to activate the 36 moves The simplest kind of formation in the Peach Blossom Formation is the Taoyuan Three Immortals Formation.

After hearing Chu Yunxi's words, Huohuo immediately entered Chu Yunxi's mind with the Absorbing Yuan Divine Art.

Chu Yunxi quickly began to look through the secrets of the Qiyuan Shengong's exercises, and the time passed slowly.

Everyone didn't know how long time had passed, they only knew that they almost fainted from soaking in the hot spring, they were hungry and tired, and their skin was almost wrinkled. Died in the hot springs.

Fortunately, when everyone was about to endure it, Chu Yunxi, who had been holding back in the hot spring, moved. She jumped out of the water first, and called everyone else to come out at the same time.

"I just thought of a formation that can hide all the fluctuations in a person's body. It's just that I can't form such a formation with my Yuanli cultivation base, so I need to borrow your Yuanli to form this formation."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Qingyan Qingwu and others behind him quickly asked, "Master, how can I borrow it?"

"I know a kind of primordial magic power. When we go ashore later, when I perform the primordial magic power, you must not resist or suppress it. If you resist or suppress it, I will be backlashed by your power."

Qingyan Qingwu immediately said: "Okay."

Zhao Zhao and Xiao Douzi also shouted: "We can do it too."

Chu Yunxi nodded in agreement, and He Yunhe on the side also said, "My men, Phantom Wind and Phantom, are also fine."

Chu Yunxi refused. He believed in He Yunhe, but he couldn't trust his two subordinates. If his subordinates were dissatisfied and secretly suppressed her, she would be backlashed.

Chu Yunxi looked at He Yunhe thoughtfully and said, "No need, the two of them have other tasks."

He Yunhe's eyes darkened a little, but he soon felt relieved: "Okay, you arrange other tasks for them."

Huanfeng and Mirage are ninth-rank great martial artists, and their Yuanli cultivation is actually very high.

Chu Yunxi looked at the two of them and said, "Later, when I form an formation, the two of you will be responsible for detecting Prince Yanling's movements with your energy. If he approaches, you must report to me."

"it is good."

Huanfeng and Huanying responded in unison, and Chu Yunxi and the others jumped onto the woods beside the hot spring cliff together.

Chu Yunxi didn't dare to delay at all, and ordered a few people to sit down, and she immediately performed the mental method of absorbing the essence of magic. She had practiced it several times in her heart before, so at this moment, with a movement of her heart, the essence of absorbing the essence of magic was displayed.

"Hand out."

Several people sitting down reached out their hands at the same time, facing each other with the hands of the people around them. Chu Yunxi used one hand to perform the magic power of absorbing essence, and the other hand began to activate the Taoyuan Three Immortals Formation.

Countless cross-cut flowers rushed out of Chu Yunxi's body. Those peach blossoms were instilled with a lot of energy, and they rushed forward happily one by one like peach blossom elves. The forest space was soon filled with a touch of happiness. It smells of peach blossoms.

Peach Blossoms quickly began to form formations like elves, formation eyes, formation gates, formation centers, and formations began to complete.

Behind him, He Yunhe stared brightly at the girl who was busy forming a formation in front of her. Her eyebrows were clear and beautiful, and countless peach blossoms were flying above her head. She was like a beautiful fairy in a sea of ​​flowers, so perfect, so beautiful. moving.

She really made him admire her, He Yunhe was thinking about it, and the subordinate beside him quickly said: "No, there is a powerful wave of Yuanli rushing forward."

(End of this chapter)

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