The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 510 Investigating the Death of Parents

Chapter 510 Investigating the Death of Parents
Chu Yunxi reached out and pinched Zhaozhao's face, then she remembered what she sent Huanfeng to inquire about the news two days ago: "Has Huanfeng not come back yet?"

He Yunhe didn't have time to speak, outside the peach forest, Huanfeng walked in, he clasped his fists and reported: "Yanling Prince and the others withdrew from the He Family Academy."

After Yan Heng led people to search for two days without any results, he went to investigate elsewhere.

Chu Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief, and He Yunhe looked at her and said, "Since Prince Yanling is gone, do you want to enter the Tianling Pagoda to practice again?"

Chu Yunxi shook his head and said: "No need, if you stay any longer and get caught by Yan Heng, the He family will definitely be punished by him, so in order not to bring unnecessary trouble to the He family, let's leave."

After hearing what Chu Yunxi said, Qing Yan quickly asked: "Master, where are we going now?"

Originally, they could go anywhere, but right now the lord is arresting them everywhere. If they are not careful, they will be caught. Chu Yunxi thought about it seriously. Right now, Yan Heng is arresting them everywhere like a madman. Chen is likely to be caught, and Yan Heng's influence in Dongchen must not be underestimated, so it is better for them to leave Dongchen's range temporarily.

As for which country to go to, Chu Yunxi thought for a while and decided to go to Beiyao country. Why did she go to Beiyao country? She thought of something that Yeluxie had told her before. She and Zhaozhao's parents were in Budai Gu Nei was not killed, they just disappeared. Budai Valley is located at a certain mountain road between Dongchen and Beiyao Kingdom. She went to Beiyao Kingdom just to find out what happened in Budai Valley back then, maybe The former Duke of Chu and his wife did not die.

Chu Yunxi did as soon as he thought of it, and said quickly: "Let's go north, leave Dongchen and go to Beiyao Kingdom."

As soon as she opened her mouth, the faces of the people behind her changed. He Yunhe reacted the most, and said, "Yun Xi, you are not going to find that Prince Yelu, are you?"

Chu Yunxi raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Why should I seek him out?"

"Then what are you going to do in Beiyao Kingdom?" He Yunhe was displeased when he thought of Yeluxie, that guy was really annoying.

Chu Yunxi thought for a while but did not hide He Yunhe and others, and said: "Before I got a message that my parents were not killed in Budai Valley, no one killed them, they disappeared, so I want to go to Budai Valley Check out the situation back then."

As soon as Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Zhao Zhao behind him quickly said, "Sister, do you mean that our parents are not dead?"

Although Zhao Zhao has never met his parents, but still can't stop his love for licking the calf.

When he heard Chu Yunxi say that his parents were not dead, his eyes were full of surprise.

Chu Yunxi nodded: "I don't know yet, so I want to find out, if my parents didn't die back then, where did they go, why didn't they come back for five years, I think if they have a way to come back, they won't come back Yes, it means that they are in trouble, if they are really in trouble, we will naturally go to save them."

After hearing Chu Yunxi's words, Chu Yunzhao immediately nodded vigorously, his face full of seriousness.

"Well, sister, I'll go with you. If the parents are really alive, Zhao Zhao must save them."

After hearing what their siblings said, He Yunhe finally agreed to go to Beiyao Kingdom.

"Okay, then let's go to Beiyao Kingdom, but after we get out of this mountain range, we need to study how to get there."

The Heavenly Spirit Pagoda of the He Family is located in the southwest of Dongchen Capital. If they go north, they will have to bypass half of the Dongchen Kingdom. Right now, Yan Heng is searching everywhere for Chu Yunxi's whereabouts, so if they go north, they will definitely have to fight with him. A battle of wits.

Chu Yunxi nodded in agreement. In fact, there was another reason why she wanted to go north. Yan Heng was afraid that she had set up an ambush on the way to Nanxiang Kingdom, because in ordinary people's thinking, going to Nanxiang Kingdom would be more convenient. Many, so her move is the opposite.

Chu Yunxi led Zhao Zhao and others all the way out of the mountain range where the He Family Academy was located, and several people discussed the next way to go on the side of the mountain range.

As Dongchen's business genius, He Yunhe often walks outside and knows Dongchen's map like the back of his hand, so he proposed to take a detour from the west of Dongchen Kingdom all the way to Beiyao Kingdom. The border to the west of Dongchen is mostly mountains and forests. It is safest to walk.

Chu Yunxi agreed to He Yunhe's proposal, and a group of people detoured from Lingjiang to Xuncheng, and headed north from Xuncheng to Beiyao Kingdom.

Everyone left as soon as they said they would, without delay at all, and when it was getting late, they had already arrived at the foot of a certain mountain outside Xuncheng.

Because he didn't know the situation in Xuncheng, Chu Yunxi decided not to go to the city at night, but to sleep at the foot of the mountain for one night, and let Huanfeng and Mirage go into the city to find out the situation.

If there is no situation in the city, they can enter the city early tomorrow morning and go out through the north gate.

"Let's rest at the foot of the mountain tonight and go into the city tomorrow morning."

When Chu Yunxi opened his mouth, the others naturally agreed. Before Chu Yunxi could speak, He Yunhe ordered Huanfeng and Huanying to say, "You two go to the city immediately to check and see if there is anything unusual in the city."

Huan Feng and Huan Ying responded and were about to leave when there was a rustling sound in the woods behind them.

Huan Feng and Huan Ying immediately stopped their movements and shouted towards the forest: "Who is it, come out??"

Several figures in the forest shot out quickly. As soon as these people appeared, they stared at Zhao Zhao and Xiaodouzi beside Chu Yunxi, and finally someone's eyes fell on Flying Silver Wolf. The hair is not silver, but gray, which was dyed by Chu Yunxi.

But even though the Flying Silver Wolf's hair was gray, the man in black on the opposite side still waved his hand and ordered, "Kill them all for me."

With an order, several men in black dodged and came straight in front of Chu Yunxi and the others.

Chu Yunxi was amazed, this is completely a fight over a disagreement, and who are these people.

Before Chu Yunxi had time to speak, He Yunhe had ordered Huanfeng: "Go, kill them for me."

With a movement of Huanfeng's body and a lift of his hand, powerful Yuan Li went straight to the men in black on the opposite side, and Chu Yunxi who was behind was curious about the origins of these people, so he quickly called out: "Huanfeng, catch two men!" I'm alive, and I want to know why they want to kill me."

Well, it's impossible to kill people just because they don't agree with each other. There must be something wrong with her.

After the phantom wind in front responded with a bang, it blasted out a powerful force.

Huanfeng is a ninth-rank great martial artist. Although he is not a master of the Martial King Realm, he is still a master, so his Yuanli is very powerful. After this Yuanli blasted out, the man in black on the opposite side was sent flying out.

Here, Zhao Zhao, Feitian Yinlang and others were holding back their anger, but now they saw those men in black being blown away by the magic wind's energy.

Zhao Zhao hurriedly rushed out, raised a fist with his small hand, and smashed down on the man in black who was sent flying.

Not to be outdone, Feitian Silver Wolf rushed out to catch someone with a whimper and bit him.

(End of this chapter)

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