Chapter 517 The Blooming Peach Blossom

Yan Heng didn't pay any attention to him at this time, and directly raised his hand and threw the Jin Yuanbao out like trash.

He ordered viciously: "Search, not to miss a single place."

After he finished speaking, Wei Li led his people to dodge and search around.

Yan Heng himself was not idle, he raised his hand to use Yuanli, and began to investigate the situation on the mountain, but in the end he didn't find any fluctuations in Yuanli.

This time, Yan Heng was almost certain that Chu Yunxi and the others must have used something to evade his Yuanli detection.

Yan Heng thought, no matter how dark his handsome face was, his whole body was as gloomy as death.

Jin Yuanbao and the others on Heifengzhai retreated carefully, and kept shrinking, wishing that they would never be found.

Jin Yuanbao stared at Yan Heng, looked again and again, and finally confirmed that this guy was scarier than that female devil.

That female devil doesn't turn her face easily, but this guy will turn her face when she disagrees with her.

Woohoo, the people outside the mountain are so fierce.

Jin Yuanbao wanted to cry again, but Yan Heng ignored him, took two of his men and shot all the way to the back mountain.

They went up the mountain from the front, according to what the bandit said, before they went down the mountain, Chu Yunxi and the others hadn't left, but when they went up the mountain, she disappeared.

If they wanted to leave, they would most likely leave from the back mountain.

Thinking about it, Yan Heng's figure became even more swift like a gust of wind, and he rushed to the top of the back mountain in the blink of an eye.

Yan Heng stopped and looked down the mountain, but there was no movement at the bottom of the mountain, and he didn't find any fluctuations in Yuanli when he searched with Yuanli.

Have they gone down the mountain?Yan Heng was thinking about it, when he suddenly heard a soft uh from his subordinate.

Yan Heng turned to look at the subordinate and said, "What's wrong?"

The subordinate pointed to the steep slope not far in front of him: "There are also peach blossoms here."

It's almost winter, why are there peach blossoms everywhere?

Yan Heng paced and walked over, just in time to see a peach tree not far down the hillside, blooming with colorful peach blossoms.

Yan Heng was about to take a closer look, when Wei Li walked over behind him.

As soon as Wei Li brought people over, he quickly said: "My lord, my subordinates have checked, and there is no concubine in Heifengzhai. I am afraid that the concubine will go down the mountain. What if they enter Xuncheng?"

Yan Heng's eyes turned dark when he heard that. Although there were many people in Xuncheng who were interrogating her, that woman Chu Yunxi was very tricky. If she wanted to leave Xuncheng, she must have a way.

So Yan Heng didn't have time to think about the peach blossom, waved his hand and led his subordinates to dodge away, all the way down the mountain from the back of the mountain.

When Chu Yunxi and the others heard Yan Heng leaving behind, they were completely relieved.

However, they didn't move for a short time, and they didn't come out of the formation until they confirmed that Yan Heng and the others had left the mountain.

As soon as Chu Yunxi raised his hand to put away the formation, He Yunhe on the side looked at her and said quickly: "My lord, the lord of Yanling has returned to Xuncheng. If we want to leave Xuncheng, I'm afraid it will be difficult. Do we want to leave?" Go the other way."

Chu Yunxi thought for a while, looked at He Yunhe and said, "I'm sure that not only Xuncheng has increased manpower, but also people have been sent to the capital and the road to Nanxiang Kingdom."

"You mean that the prince of Yanling has blocked our way."

Chu Yunxi nodded, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, Yan Heng is not an ordinary person.

But is it interesting to go to such lengths?

He Yunhe became anxious after hearing this: "Then we can only leave from Xuncheng?"

Chu Yunxi raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, feeling a little headache: "Let me think about how to solve this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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