Chapter 534 Punishment
Inside the cell, Qingyan and Xiaodouzi were alarmed by the movement outside, they rushed to the cell and shouted: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as Qing Yan thought about it, she wanted to raise her hand to destroy the big lock that locked the cell.

In fact, it was easy for them to leave the cell, but they couldn't get out of the dungeon if they left the cell.

There are guards from Yanling Palace outside, but now that the princess has been taken away by Prince Yelu, Qingyan can't control that much anymore.

Qingyan raised her hand and wanted to destroy the big lock, but Chu Yunxi, who was suppressed by Yeluxie and led outside the cell, quickly ordered: "Qingyan, don't act rashly."

Qingyan and the others followed her and left, already angering Yan Heng, if they provoke that guy again, they will be in bad luck.

She didn't want them to be punished, Qing Yan was stunned for a moment, Chu Yunxi had already been taken out of the dungeon by Ye Luxie.

At this time, she didn't struggle anymore, she wanted to see if Yeluxie could get out of Yanling Palace.

After several figures ran out of the cell, before they had time to run away, countless torches suddenly surged up around the dungeon of Yanling Prince's Mansion, and the torches illuminated the surroundings of the quiet path like daytime.

A group of guards blocking the way in front slowly separated to make way, and several figures came out from behind the guards.

The one at the front was Yan Heng. Under the torch, Yan Heng's face was slightly pale, with no blood at all. Chu Yunxi glanced at him and knew that he was indeed injured before, but probably not enough to be unconscious. And he pretended to be unconscious, it must be to catch Yeluxie.

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, the corners of Yan Heng's lips curled up in a sneering smile, the indescribable coldness of Ling Han.

He just looked at Chu Yunxi steadfastly, his eyes full of pain.

"Where is the princess going this evening?"

Chu Yunxi didn't speak, but Yeluxie who was beside her quickly said, "Naturally, I left Yanling Palace. If you treat her like this, if she doesn't leave, is it still waiting for your punishment?"

As soon as Yeluxie finished speaking, Yan Heng on the opposite side suddenly looked at Yeluxie mockingly: "Do you think you can take her away? Is my Yanling Palace where you can come and leave whenever you want?"

He didn't look at Yeluxie after he finished speaking, but looked at Chu Yunxi with a cold expression and said, "Come here."

Chu Yunxi didn't move, and Yeluxie didn't let her move either. He held her hand tightly.

Such a posture deeply stimulated Yan Heng's heart, his eyes were covered with a layer of murderous light, as if poisoned, he stared at Ye Luxie holding Chu Yunxi's hand, the more he looked at the breath The more unstable he became, at last he gasped for breath rapidly, the blood in his chest kept surging, the last gust of sweet and fishy air surged up, and a bright red overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

His beautiful face reveals the treacherous beauty of demon rule.

Mu Xiuweili and the others beside him changed their expressions when they saw Qiqi: "My lord."

Looking at Yan Heng like this, Chu Yunxi finally felt uncomfortable. She struggled to get out of Yeluxie's hand.

But Yeluxie was domineering and did not let go.

Not only did he not let go, but he even leaned over to Chu Yunxi's side and whispered into her ear, "Don't you want to punish this bad guy?"

Before Chu Yunxi had time to speak, Yan Heng's cold and sharp voice rang out from the opposite side: "Chu Yunxi, come here, don't you want your brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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