Chapter 543 Jokes
Yan Heng said sullenly: "You didn't agree with me before, but this king said that I don't accept her."

"But now I agree, the prince doesn't have to wrong himself for me," Chu Yunxi said lazily, as if he didn't care at all whether Yan Heng took other women as concubines.

Yan Heng looked at her who didn't care so much, but his heart felt like bleeding. It turned out that when she didn't care whether he took a concubine or not, he felt so sad in his heart.

This sadness is no better than her leaving.

Yan Heng reached out and grabbed Chu Yunxi's arm and shouted, "Chu Yunxi, what do you think you want to do?"

"If I say, I want the prince to drive out all the women in the palace, and never allow any women to enter the palace again, can the prince do it?"

Yan Heng was stunned for a moment, Chu Yunxi had mentioned this topic before, and he didn't think much about it at the time, but now that he heard it again, he couldn't help but think a little more, marry only one woman, Chu Yunxi, for the rest of his life?He couldn't imagine it at all, and because he couldn't be sure, he didn't dare to promise easily.

Chu Yunxi looked up at Yan Heng, and suddenly chuckled, but if she looked closely, she could see the pain in her pupils, but although she was heartbroken, she didn't hate Yan Heng, at least he didn't lie to her, and even more so No promises are made lightly.

Chu Yunxi said briskly while thinking: "My lord, don't think too much, I was just joking with you. In fact, I have always wanted to leave Yanling Palace. Didn't you always know it?"

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Yan Heng's emotions were diverted. He said angrily, "Don't even think about it. This king has said that even if you die, you will die in Yanling Palace."

"Oh, so the prince wants me to die."

After she finished speaking, she laughed, her brows and eyes were indescribably bright, Yan Heng listened to the dead words in her mouth, and her heart was heavy.

"When did this king say he wanted you to die? This king just doesn't want you to leave Yanling Palace."

After Yan Heng finished speaking, he suddenly felt very tired. He sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out his arms and hugged Chu Yunxi tightly, feeling so at ease in his heart while hugging her.

"Xi'er, the matter of accepting the concubine is the fault of the king. Now the king knows that he is wrong. The king will go to the palace and ask the emperor to take back his order. After that, I will drive Liu Ruqin out of the palace and send him back to Liu's house in Qizhou. As for what you said about not letting me marry another woman, I don't want to lie to you, and I don't know what will happen in the future."

Chu Yunxi nestled in his arms, smiling lightly, she was thinking with aching heart, Yan Heng, if you can't stand up firmly and tell everyone that you will only marry me once in your life, I will become the only one in the eyes of everyone in Dongchen. The jokes in the movie, they will always point at me, saying that I am jealous of a woman who can't tolerate others, and in the future I will be a joke in the eyes of the world.

As proud as I am, I will never allow myself to live in such a mess.

After Chu Yunxi finished reading silently, she suddenly pushed Yan Heng away, and she laughed: "Yan Heng, I don't care about everything about you, I never thought of staying, and I never thought of being the princess of the Yanling Palace. Back then when I entered the palace, I received so much stare from you, then I decided to take revenge on you, I wanted to make you fall in love with me, and then ruthlessly dumped you."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, the black pupils on Yan Heng's beautiful face kept shrinking, and his pupils were full of disbelief: "You said all this was revenge."

Chu Yunxi sneered: "Otherwise, at first I wanted to leave, but you pressed me every step of the way. Let me tell you, I don't like you, I hate you, I don't want to see you, and I don't even want to be you." My princess doesn't want to have your child either."

"You know? After we got together, I took the medicine immediately. I was afraid of getting pregnant with your child, so I didn't want to have your child. "

 The hostess has become a joke in Kyoto now. In ancient times, it was normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. It is abnormal to prevent a man from marrying. Ordinary people dare not say, Do you understand?The hostess has said it twice.

(End of this chapter)

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