Chapter 570

Yeluxie sighed heavily, his face was a little gloomy, and his heart was a little dull, but this time it was true.

It turned out that he was so unbearable in Xiao Yunxi's heart.

He raised his eyes, looked at Chu Yunxi with deep eyes and said, "Little Yunxi, no matter how ruthless and ungrateful I am, I will never be ruthless to you."

When Yelu's evil words fell, Chu Yunxi was about to speak, when there were eager footsteps outside the carriage, and then the curtain of the carriage was lifted with a snap, and a cheerful voice like a lark resounded outside the carriage .

"Cousin, you're finally back, do you know that my aunt is about to..." The voice stopped abruptly, followed by an annoyed sound like jade beads falling into a plate.

"Cousin, who is she? How did she sit in your carriage."

Chu Yunxi looked up, and saw a petite woman with bright features standing outside the car. The woman was very beautiful, especially her eyes were as bright as pearls, but at this moment she was staring angrily. she.

It's just that this anger didn't affect her beauty at all. She also wore a colorful dress, but the bright colors didn't overwhelm her beauty. On the contrary, the color made her appearance even more beautiful.

In the carriage, Yeluxie frowned slightly, his handsome face was covered with displeasure.

"Hina, don't talk nonsense, she is my guest."

"Guests?" Wan Chenghaina looked disbelieving. What kind of guests can sit in my cousin's carriage. You must know that few people can sit in my cousin's carriage. Even she sat in it when she was a child. When I grow up, I will never have the opportunity to sit in my cousin's carriage again.

"Cousin, since she is a guest, why don't you provide her with a carriage, but let her and cousin share a carriage."

After Wan Teng Haina finished speaking, she looked at Yeluxie with an aggrieved face, and the moist air slowly overflowed from her beautiful big eyes, which made her eyes clear and clean as if they had been washed by water.

Looking at this woman, Chu Yunxi could easily see that this woman liked Ye Luxie, and she could also see that although this girl was pretty, she might not have a good temper.

Chu Yunxi looked at Yeluxie who was showing impatience to one side, and thinking of how Yeluxie made her younger brother suffer so much, she suddenly had a bad feeling of revenge in her heart.

"Your Highness, I'm so tired, when will I get out of the car?"

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, she felt goosebumps all over her body, while Yeluxie looked at her with flattered expression.

This was the first time that Xiao Yunxi talked to him so delicately, which really flattered him.

Yeluxie had long forgotten his cousin Wanqi Haina beside him, and looked at Chu Yunxi with a happy face and said.

"Little Yunxi, you really make me..."

Before Yelu's evil words were finished, Wan Teng Haina outside the carriage couldn't stand it and yelled: "Ah, cousin, you still say she is a guest, why would a guest talk to you like this, you tell me, she is Where did the vixen come from?"

After Wan Teng Haina finished speaking, two cold eyes shot at her at the same time, Yeluxie took the lead and shouted angrily in a cold voice: "Wan Teng Hai Na, you are too presumptuous."

Yeluxie's face was full of cold anger, and his eyes were extremely gloomy.

Wan Cheng Haina finally woke up a little bit, she even forgot that her cousin was not easy to get along with in a moment of anxiety, she just forgot about it in a moment of anxiety.

Wan Teng Haina thought about it, lowered her head and wept aggrievedly, "Cousin, people are also afraid of you..."

(End of this chapter)

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