Chapter 582 The Poison of Fire Cloud Bird

After Yeluan finished speaking, she turned around and left, Feng Ge looked bitterly at the figure in front of her behind her, and didn't move for a long time.

The two people in the dormitory didn't know anything about the episode that happened here. At this time, they were busy writing down the medicinal materials of Jade Spirit Pill and the ingredients of each medicinal material.

After the things were written, Chu Yunxi was in charge of reading, and Yeluxie was in charge of listening, and then compared the usual living habits of King Beiyao to see if there were any medicinal materials that contradicted the usual habits of King Beiyao.

"Sacred Purple Spirit Fruit activates the meridians, unblocks the spirit orifices, and is cool in nature. It should not be mixed with cold medicinal materials. It can make the human body cold, and the five internal organs and six lungs will be attacked by the cold air."

"Fire Heart Aescin, promotes blood circulation and removes stasis, warm nature, avoid bleeding..."

In the dormitory, Qingyue's voice sounded slowly. Yeluxie first listened carefully to Chu Yunxi's reading of the medicinal properties and taboos of those medicinal materials, but when his eyes accidentally fell on the woman at the table, he suddenly stared blankly.

Under the dim light, the woman is gentle and quiet, with her head slightly bowed, she is indescribably beautiful and perfect, just like a painting of time.

Yeluxie suddenly had the feeling of wanting to hide her. He wanted to treasure such a beautiful her so that no one else would find her.

But he soon understood that she is independent and individual, if he intends to hide her, he will deprive her of her freedom, then he has made a mistake as important as Yan Heng's, if so, he will also He will lose her like Yan Heng.

So he wants to accompany her, protect her, and let her be free to release her beauty.

In the dormitory, Yeluxie was thinking wildly for a while, and Chu Yunxi, who was opposite him, was reading vigorously, but suddenly felt that Yeluxie was absent-minded, and what was the matter with him staring at her all the time?

Chu Yunxi was dissatisfied, and raised her eyes to stare at Yeluxie: "Did you hear everything clearly?"

Yeluxie was caught peeping, without panic at all, and said softly with his eyes: "Listen clearly."

Chu Yunxi didn't bother to pay attention to his fiery eyes, and only gave him a sneer: "If Your Highness is not in a hurry to treat the king's illness, go back, I'm tired and going to sleep."

He didn't sleep most of the night, and helped him do this kind of thing, but he didn't expect him to be so distracted.

The more Chu Yunxi thought about it, the more annoyed she became, and she threw the paper in her hand on the table, not wanting to worry about it anymore.

Yeluxie immediately reached out and took the rice paper on the table and handed it to Chu Yunxi: "Okay, don't be angry, it's my fault, I apologize to you, and I must listen carefully next time."

Chu Yunxi squinted at him with a good attitude, and she was angry, but he was not angry.

She finally didn't care about it any more, and started reading again with the rice paper, this time Yeluxie didn't dare to think about it any more, the most important thing right now is to cure her father's illness.

"Longxu ginseng, a great tonic, nourishes the spleen and kidney, is the first choice for the weak and weak, but many people forget one thing, this is hot and dry, easy to get angry, if..."

As soon as Chu Yunxi read this, Yeluxie suddenly stood up hastily, interrupting Chu Yunxi's words.

"I know why the father is unconscious?"

Chu Yunxi immediately looked up at him: "What's going on?"

Yeluxie's face was indescribably gloomy, and he looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "My father was once injured by the sixth-level monster Huoyunniao. The Huoyunniao was born with fire poison. My father was poisoned by fire at that time. Yes, although I took it off later, his body has always been dry and hot, and the ingredients and herbs he usually take are mostly medicines that are warm in nature, and rarely use medicines that are dry and hot."

"Dragon Beard Ginseng is warm in nature. Many people think it is mild. In fact, it has a dry nature. My father's body has fire poison in his body. If he takes this substance, he will be struck by two phases, causing him to go into a coma."

(End of this chapter)

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