Chapter 591 Decree to open the city gate
Zhao Zhao listened to Chu Yunxi's words, and did not try to break through to the Martial King Realm, and his cultivation base of Yuanli stayed at the level of a ninth-rank great martial artist.

Xiaodouzi's Yuanli cultivation has also broken through from a first-tier great martial artist to a second-tier great martial artist.

As for Yuan Bao's Yuanli cultivation level, he was still a Tier [-] great martial artist, with no sign of a breakthrough.

Seeing that everyone else had made a breakthrough, Yuan Bao was the only one who didn't, so he was frustrated and muttered for a long time.

"Why did you all break through and I didn't, it's not fair, it's so unfair."

Zhao Zhao reached out and patted his back, comforting him: "Yuan Bao is not sad, you will definitely break through in the future."

Yuan Bao took the opportunity to look at Zhao Zhao aggrieved, as if begging for comfort and a hug, Zhao Zhao immediately reached out to hug him.

The relationship between the two of them is very good, Chu Yunxi sees it, and has a high opinion of Yuan Bao.

It is rare for her to comfort Yuan Bao: "This is the reason for Yuanli's talent, don't worry, take your time, and you will break through to the advanced level in the future."

Chu Yunxi had never had a good look towards Yuan Bao, but now that he had a sudden good look, Yuan Bao was a little flattered, and looked at Chu Yunxi dumbfounded.

Chu Yunxi couldn't stand it any longer, and didn't want to bother with this silly bastard anymore. She glanced at Zhao Zhao and Xiaodouzi and said, "Come here, I'll make a face for you, and we'll leave here later."

"it is good."

After changing their appearance, several people came to Longcheng in two groups. When they arrived at Longcheng, they found that the north gate of Longcheng had been guarded by many soldiers. check.

Chu Yunxi watched carefully, and found that the main targets of these officers and soldiers' searches were children, and most of the children who were about the same height as Zhaozhao and Xiaodouzi were stopped.

There was a chaotic noise in front of the city gate, Chu Yunxi's face was extremely dark, and Zhao Zhao, who was wearing a skirt on one side and combing a small bun, also had an ugly expression.

"Sister, is it that the villainous prince wants to arrest us?"

Chu Yunxi nodded. Yeluxie's search this time was much more powerful than Yan Heng's last search.

He only checked for children who were about the same height as Zhao Zhao Xiaodouzi, she could change Zhao Zhao and Xiaodouzi's appearance, but she couldn't make them taller or fatter, so it was really difficult in Longcheng.

Seeing that Chu Yunxi didn't speak, Zhaozhao couldn't help worrying: "Sister, what should we do now?"

Chu Yunxi raised her eyebrows to comfort him: "It's okay, Sister Rong thinks of a way."

As soon as Chu Yunxi finished speaking, there was a sudden sound of neat horseshoes on the official road, and countless horses galloped by.

On top of the steeds, the leader turned out to be Yeluzhong, the Fourth Prince of Beiyao Kingdom. Yeluzhong was holding a bright yellow brocade in his hand.

Chu Yunxi looked at it from a distance, and was overjoyed. Yeluzhong didn't come to solve her troubles, did he?

Of course, His Royal Highness the fourth prince may not be very good. The reason why he did this must be because Zuo Yan asked him to do so.

Chu Yunxi thought, Yeluzhong, the fourth prince in front, had already led people to the north gate of Longcheng.

Yeluzhong, who was on Gao's horse, didn't get off his horse. He just shook the bright yellow imperial decree in his hand and said: "The king has ordered you to open the gate of the city immediately and let the people in and out freely. Return to Beijing for trial."

The soldiers in front of the city gate looked at each other, and the leader at the end waved his hand, knelt down respectfully and said, "Your servant will obey the order."

(End of this chapter)

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