The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 800 Let's see who is better than whom

Chapter 800 Let's see who is better than whom
There was everything outside, and in the green bamboo building, Chu Yunxi kept staring at Shao Qingzhu, after she guessed correctly several times in a row.

She was basically sure of one thing. The reason why Shao Qingzhu guessed so accurately was because she had practiced some kind of visual kung fu, so she could accurately see which dice box contained dice.

In this way, she is not a loser in the second round.

The air-conditioning on Yan Heng beside Chu Yunxi could freeze a person to death, and he stared at Shao Qingzhu with sinister eyes.

With the skill of the seventh-rank Martial King, Yan Heng naturally knew that Shao Qingzhu on the opposite side was famous, so she must have used her strength to see things.

This is not going to work, Xiao Xi'er is about to lose.

As soon as Yan Heng moved his mind, he wanted to use his Yuan force to suppress Shao Qingzhu. In this way, Shao Qingzhu couldn't perform his exercises.

It's just that Chu Yunxi stretched out his hand to stop him. His purpose of doing so was too obvious, and it would definitely provoke King Qin's backlash. It would be bad if it would be too stiff.

Right now, it is inappropriate for them to confront King Qin head-on.

But she was not happy to let Shao Qingzhu win a game like this.

With a movement of Chu Yunxi's fingers, a pill slipped out of her sleeve. She crushed the pill quietly, and there was a faint fragrance in the air, which ordinary people couldn't detect at all.

Shao Qingzhu on the opposite side had already guessed eight dice boxes at this time, seeing that she got a full score in the first level, she was very happy, but when she tried again to guess the ninth dice box.

But she found that she couldn't apply any force at all, Shao Qingzhu's face changed slightly, and she tried it again, but found that it still couldn't work.

Now her complexion was really ugly, Qin Wang Yuwenyi on the side noticed something was wrong with her, and immediately asked with concern: "Cousin, what's wrong?"

At this time, Shao Qingzhu knew that Chu Yunxi must have done something wrong. She is a doctor, and it is easy to do something small.

But this kind of thing can't be said on the bright side. If others know that Shi Yuanli sees things with eyes, they will definitely despise her.

So Shao Qingzhu held back, looked to the side of King Qin and said, "Cousin is fine."

She was afraid that Yu Wenyi would get angry after knowing this, and in this way, her deceit would be exposed.

And now that she is eight points ahead, Chu Yunxi's points will not be higher than hers no matter what, so even if she has one point more, she has won.

Shao Qingzhu lost her mind and began to stare at the dice box, intending to guess the dice in the dice box with her true skills, but this time, she guessed wrong.

There was a muffled sound outside the Green Bamboo Building.

In the green bamboo building, King Qin Yu Wenyi's face changed slightly. He looked at Shao Qingzhu on the side, and asked her with his eyes, how could she go wrong.

Yu Wenyi knew that Shao Qingzhu could use Yuanli to see clearly the dice under the dice box.

But this time she was wrong.

Shao Qingzhu said in a low voice: "Cousin, don't ask, talk about it later."

In the middle, the owner of Luk Fook Gambling House opened another game, and Shao Qingzhu still guessed wrong.

Without the ability to see things from a box, she really can't guess right.

Now Yu Wenyi's expression changed, he stared at Shao Qingzhu and asked fiercely, "Cousin, what's going on?"

Shao Qingzhu saw that Yu Wenyi kept asking, so he could only whisper: "I can't transport Yuanli, so I can't see clearly the dice in the dice box."

Yu Wenyi cried out: "What's going on?"

"Have you forgotten that Princess Yanling is proficient in medicine?"

Upon hearing this, Yu Wenyi's face instantly turned black, and he raised his gloomy pupils to stare at Chu Yunxi who was facing him, furious in his heart.

Shao Qingzhu quickly pulled him back, for fear that he would get angry, and it would be embarrassing for them if this happened.

(End of this chapter)

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