Chapter 802 Are You Going to Get Cold?

With a thought in Shao Lingchen's mind, he looked up at the several guards guarding outside the Green Bamboo Building. The leading guard quickly accepted his young master's wishes.

He spoke carefully to the guard beside him, and then the guard quickly withdrew from the green bamboo building.

No one cares about the movement here, everyone's attention is on the game in the green bamboo building.

The competition upstairs has entered the final round, and Chu Yunxi is guessing the dice. If she guesses three more dice correctly, she will surpass Shao Qingzhu, and Shao Qingzhu will lose this round.

Shao Qingzhu became anxious, and Yu Wenyi clenched and loosened his fingers, thinking about how to break this defeat.

Today, he originally thought that this matter was a matter of chance, so he didn't make much plans. He didn't expect his cousin to lose so badly in the end.

King Qin Yu Wenyi was thinking of an idea when suddenly two figures shot towards him outside the green bamboo building.

Before the two of them got close to the green bamboo building, the voice came first: "Young master, it's not good, the old man knew that the young lady challenged Princess Yanling in the green bamboo building, and he fainted from anger. Behavior, let her go back immediately."

After the man finished speaking, he fell into the green bamboo building, but before he could stand still, Yan Heng raised his hand, and easily fanned the reporting guard out of the green bamboo building, and threw him into the green lake.

Inside the building, Yu Wenyi became angry, raised his eyes to stare at Yan Heng and said, "Prince Yanling, what do you mean?"

Yan Heng sneered and said, "Since we have done the comparison, we have to come up with a result. So what if Mr. Shao fainted? Could it be that you can't wait for a moment? Or are you planning to run away. But if you dare to provoke my Yanling Palace, I, Yan Heng How can it be bullied by others."

After Yan Heng finished speaking, Yu Wen stood up with a groan, and yelled: "Yan Heng, you are too presumptuous."

Yan Heng also stood up slowly, and confronted Yu Wenyi, saying: "His Royal Highness Qin's words are wrong, it was the Shao family who provoked first, and I did not provoke the Shao family. Could it be that someone else provoked my Yan family? , I still have to bear it, I, Yan Heng, have made great contributions to Dong Chen, is it just for the sake of being bullied one day."

Yan Heng's words made many people outside the Green Bamboo Building silent. Yan Heng did make great contributions to Dong Chen, so the Shao family really went too far.

She obviously didn't want to marry Ms. Shao's family, but Ms. Shao's family still forced her to die. Isn't this bullying too much?
Yu Wenyi could see at a glance that the current situation was of no benefit to them.

Yan Heng, you are really good.

Anger surged up in Yu Wenyi's heart, just at this moment, Chu Yunxi's Qingyue voice rang out gracefully.

"Okay, the second round is over, Ms. Shao, I seem to have won the second round too, so didn't you lose?"

Chu Yunxi looked at Shao Qingzhu opposite with a smile. That cute look made people want to pat her head.

But soon everyone thought of her ability again, and all of them felt dizzy.

How could a person be so monstrous, powerful inside, yet so pure and lovely on the outside.

Shao Qingzhu on the opposite side, if not compared with Chu Yunxi, is definitely a beauty, but now standing with Princess Yanling, one really looks like a beauty in her 20s, and the other looks like a pretty girl in her teens , no matter who knows how to choose.

Now they also understand why the Prince of Yanling only married the Princess of Yanling. It's okay for a woman like Shao Qingzhu to play around. If she really married back, it's not necessary.

(End of this chapter)

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