The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 811 A Conspiracy to Destroy People's Innocence

Chapter 811 A Conspiracy to Destroy People's Innocence

After Chu Yunxi slapped Yan Heng's hand, he said displeasedly.

"What are you thinking about? When did I say that I don't want to have a baby for you? I just want to say that now is not a good time to get pregnant. Have you forgotten that we are going to deal with the Yuwen family now? If I am pregnant, I will definitely give Others can take advantage of it."

"So I thought, it's better not to get pregnant first, and when the situation stabilizes, I'll get pregnant again. Wouldn't that be great?"

After finishing speaking, Chu Yunxi stretched out his hand to hold Yan Heng's hand, and said respectfully: "Yan Heng, I know that what I said before made you feel uncomfortable, but you should know that I was just angry at that time. That's why I said those words, so you shouldn't keep thinking about those words, now that I am willing to be with you, how could I not want to have children for you, I plan to have two more."

Yan Heng disagreed: "Two are too few, at least four."

Chu Yunxi protested dissatisfiedly: "Are you treating me like a sow? Four more, two would be good, one son and one daughter would be great."

"Think about it, my daughter is going to marry after all, and there will only be one brother left in the future. It will be so difficult without anyone to help me."

What Yan Heng envied most when he was a child was that he had two brothers while he was alone, always alone.

At that time he didn't know how much he wanted to have a brother.

Chu Yunxi thought for a while and was still not happy: "Four is too much, or else I would have three, two sons and one daughter, so that the daughter can become a little princess and be pampered by the brothers."

After listening to Chu Yunxi's words, Yan Heng nodded in agreement: "Okay, then have two sons and a daughter."

At the end, Chu Yunxi couldn't help laughing, pointed at Yan Heng and said, "Do you think we have the final say on having children?"

After saying this, the two laughed together, and the previous bad atmosphere was swept away.

The two people in the room were laughing happily, outside, Mu Xiu came over hurriedly and said outside the door: "My lord, I have something to report."

"Come in."

Yan Heng put away the smile on his face, looked out the door with deep eyes, and Mu Xiu lifted his foot and walked in.

"My lord, my subordinates received news earlier that a thief broke into Shao's house with the intention of doing something wrong to Miss Shao. The thief was caught by Shao's house and sent to the Ministry of Punishment."

When Mu Xiu said this, he quickly raised his head and glanced at Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi.

Yan Heng motioned for Mu Xiu to continue, but Mu Xiu hesitated for a while and said.

"The thief entered the Ministry of Criminal Justice and confessed that the princess ordered them to do this. Because Miss Shao wanted to get involved with the prince, the princess was very angry and sent someone to destroy Miss Shao's innocence."

After Mu Xiu finished speaking, the room was suddenly filled with air-conditioning, and Yan Heng's face was full of anger.

"How dare the Shao family do this, well, that's great."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Mu Xiu as if thinking of something, and said, "Those two culprits won't die in the Ministry of Punishment, right?"

In this way, Xi'er was at a loss for words.

Even if the Ministry of Criminal Justice can't punish Xi'er's crime, what will those people outside say about Xi'er? After all, Xi'er publicly said that he disagreed with his concubine before, and everyone else sympathizes with the weak. Shao Qingzhu has now become a concubine. the weak.

What's more, I'm afraid no one will believe that Shao Qingzhu will use his innocence to do such a thing, so everyone will subconsciously believe that such a thing was done by Xi'er.

The more Yan Heng thought about it, the more angry he became. In fact, he had already taken action against the Shao family, but the matter had not yet exploded.

The Shao family couldn't wait to attack him.

(End of this chapter)

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