The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 814 This concubine will not use these two idiots

Chapter 814 This concubine will not use these two idiots
Yan Heng also thought of this, so her black pupils were indescribably cold.

Chu Yunxi looked at the people in the Ministry of Punishment and said, "Okay, let me go to the Ministry of Punishment with you."

The people in the punishment department breathed a sigh of relief, and their expressions became more respectful and polite.

Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng followed behind them all the way to the Ministry of Punishment.

On the way, Yan Heng reached out and hugged Chu Yunxi and sat on her lap, put her arms around her waist and said, "Okay, lie in my arms and sleep for a while, and I'll call you when I get to the Ministry of Criminal Justice."

They now live in the southern suburbs, some distance from the Ministry of Punishment, so Chu Yunxi can take a little rest.

Chu Yunxi was indeed quite tired, so he didn't say anything to Yan Heng, just nestled in his arms, closed his eyes and rested.

Yan Heng looked down at her, and saw that she was obviously very tired, and was about to be taken to the Ministry of Punishment for questioning.

Yan Heng felt distressed beyond words, and was even annoyed, because this time it was the guards of the Yan family who were involved. If it weren't for those two guards, Xi'er wouldn't need to enter the punishment department at all. It seems that his palace is about to be rectified. I don't know how many people were bribed.

In the carriage, there was silence until we got outside the criminal department.

Yan Heng carefully patted Chu Yunxi's back in his arms and said, "Xi'er, we're here."

Chu Yunxi responded lightly, a little reluctant to open her eyes, she just fell asleep and was woken up again.

She lay in Yan Heng's arms angrily and said coldly.

"I won't let them go."

Yan Heng responded in agreement: "This king will not let those guys go, they will wait for us."

While talking, the two got out of the carriage one by one.

Although Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi were involved in this case, the people from the Ministry of Criminal Justice did not dare to push things too far.

As soon as Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng appeared, Yan Hanshan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, led his officials to welcome them out.

"I've met Prince Yanling and Princess Yanling."

Yan Heng cast a cold glance at Yan Hanshan, and said nothing, Yan Hanshan bowed his body and didn't dare to move for a while, even though Yan Heng was just a prince, he couldn't stand this man's ability, if he offended him, would there be any good fruit for him in the future?
Yan Hanshan didn't move, and the people in the Ministry of Punishment did not dare to move. They all stayed with them carefully until Yan Heng's gloomy voice sounded: "What is Yan Shangshu's intention to invite this king's concubine to the Ministry of Punishment?"

Yan Hanshan got up, and raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"Returning to the prince, I just asked the concubine to come over and ask. It doesn't mean anything. After all, the two guards are dead, and the official can't verify whether his words are true or not."

Yan Heng snorted, and led Chu Yunxi all the way into the Criminal Department, followed by Yan Hanshan and others all the way in for questioning.

"Princess Yanling, do you know these two guards?"

Chu Yunxi looked at the two dead bodies in the Minister of Criminal Justice, and shook his head: "I don't know each other."

Chu Yunxi had never seen the two people lying on the ground. There were so many guards in Yanling Palace, how could she know all of them.

She didn't recognize all the personal guards around Yan Heng, how could she recognize those ordinary guards in the whole palace.

"It was these two people who confessed that the princess ordered them to abuse Miss Shao's family."

Chu Yunxi sneered, looked up at Yan Hanshan and said, "Master Yan thinks it is possible? If I, Chu Yunxi, really ordered me, I would definitely not choose these two useless things. If I really want to insult the Shao family Miss Shao, I will choose two powerful masters to enter Shao's house without anyone noticing and destroy Miss Shao's Qingbai, instead of finding such two stupid things and letting them be caught."

Yan Hanshan was taken aback for a moment, then thought about it and found it reasonable.

But these two people are indeed the bodyguards of the Yan family, they have checked it before.

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(End of this chapter)

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