Chapter 824 My Prince Is That Powerful (Gageng)
Chu Yunxi was anxious about refining the pills, and shook his head: "I'm not hungry yet, if you are hungry, go and eat first, I not only want to refine the pills for Shao Qingzhu, but also prepare some for the good concubine in the palace. pill."

Yan Heng didn't force Chu Yunxi any more, and now he has gotten acquainted with Chu Yunxi's disposition, so she must do well what she wants to do first.

Yan Heng stretched out her hand to hold Chu Yunxi, and walked out with her.

"Then I will accompany you and help you fight."

Chu Yunxi smiled sweetly: "Okay, let's go together."

The two of them walked out of the flower hall all the way, and went to the medicine room in the other courtyard in the southern suburbs to look for medicinal materials.

After that, the two of them stayed in the medicine room. Once Chu Yunxi entered a busy state, he really used Yan Heng, the prince, for his immediate use.

"Yan Heng, find out the herbs on this list."

"Okay," Yan Heng took the list and went to the medicinal material room to look for medicinal materials, but after a while, he was dumbfounded, because the medicinal materials knew him, whether he knew the medicinal materials or not.

"Xi'er, what is snake dragon fruit?"

"The fruit that looks like a snake is snake dragon fruit."

"What does a thousand-gold vine look like?"

"There are no leaves on a vine, only flowers, so it is called Qianjin vine."

"What about the Dihuang Jing??"

"It looks like a human being, so it's an earth emperor."

"That Xuan..."

Yan Heng's questioning was interrupted.

"Aren't you annoying? Didn't you see that I was busy? Find someone to ask yourself."

Chu Yunxi, who had entered the state, had long forgotten that he was accompanied by his own high-ranking prince.

With her angry shout, Yan Heng's body suddenly overflowed with hostility, and his face was also very ugly.

But when he turned around and saw that it was his little princess who was annoyed at him, the hostility in his body receded, and he changed into a helpless expression.

This little wife is probably the only one in the world who dares to shout at him like this, but this feeling is not bad, at least it proves that he is a normal person like everyone else.

After thinking about it, Yan Heng was delighted, turned around and walked out the door.

Because Mu Xiu went to work, Yan Heng whispered to Wei Li, who was on guard, to quickly find a doctor for him.

Wei Li went to find a doctor non-stop, and if there was anything Yan Heng didn't understand, he slipped outside the door and asked the doctor.

Then the doctor and his subordinates looked at their lord speechlessly, they didn't understand anything, so it's better to let the doctor do it.

It's a pity that a certain master was so happy that he didn't pay any attention to the speechless subordinates outside the door.

After Yan Heng finished the task that Chu Yunxi had given him, she immediately went to Chu Yunxi's side with the prepared herbs to claim credit.

"Xi'er, look, I've caught everything."

Chu Yunxi had already made the pills used by the good concubine in the palace, and was bottling them at this time. Hearing Yan Heng's words, she turned around and found that Yan Heng had really grasped the medicinal materials.

With a smile on Chu Yunxi's small face, she raised her head and offered a sweet kiss.

"Well, my prince is just that powerful."

Yan Heng touched his lips, feeling sweet in his heart, the rewards he got through hard work are just different.

A certain prince who had tasted the sweetness immediately looked at his little princess excitedly: "Xi'er, what else do I need to do?"

Chu Yunxi thought for a while, then handed the packed pill into Yan Heng's hand and said: "You ask someone to find a way to deliver this pill to the concubine Liang in the palace, and you must hand it to Concubine Liang in person. Here, let Concubine Liang take one pill every night before going to bed."

"Okay," Yan Heng took the medicine bottle and went out to arrange the tasks assigned by the little princess.

 Two chapters have been added today, and the votes at the end of the month will be cast.

(End of this chapter)

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