Chapter 833

The chattering people downstairs stopped abruptly, and they all quickly looked up at the woman in front of them.

What did she say, a medical examination.

Shao Qingzhu seemed to have found the backbone, and said quickly: "I am willing to have my mother take a physical examination to prove my innocence."

As soon as Shao Qingzhu finished speaking, upstairs, Chu Yunxi answered: "You let your mother take a body check, even if she is black, she will say it is white."

The people downstairs nodded repeatedly: "That's right, that's the reason."

Shao Qingzhu looked up at Chu Yunxi and gritted his teeth, "What do you want?"

"Naturally, two more people should be found for body checks. In addition, to prove that these people have not been bribed by you, you can find a few people to testify. If you prove that you are a virgin in public, it means that you are innocent. If so."

Chu Yunxi didn't come to the end, Shao Qingzhu screamed: "Okay, I agree."

At this time, she was completely ruined, and there was still a glimmer of life, and she was defeated.

So she can only advance but not retreat, and even if she is tested, she will be laughed at by others. After all, there is no woman from a wealthy family who ends up in the public examination.

Chu Yunxi, please remember, I won't let it go.

Shao Qingzhu gritted her teeth and looked up at Chu Yunxi, saying, "Since Princess Yanling said this, I don't know if there is anyone for the princess."

Chu Yunxi glanced at Shao Qingzhu and said slowly, "I'd like to have a test for Miss Shao, but I'm afraid Miss Shao won't be at ease."

Shao Qingzhu really couldn't believe Chu Yunxi, Shou Gongsha didn't point it out before, I'm afraid it was this woman's hands and feet, if she let her test it again, wouldn't it be asking for death.

"Princess Yanling's status is precious, how can this matter burden her."

After hearing this, Chu Yunxi didn't insist anymore, and even if Shao Qingzhu agreed, she wouldn't give her a body test, whether it was dirty or not, she took medicine.

Chu Yunxi thought for a while and said, "Well, I invite two people to come out and examine Ms. Shao, and Ms. Shao will definitely agree."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, she turned her head and looked at the elegant room next door and said, "His Royal Highness King Qin, please send someone into the mansion to invite a nanny who can do a physical examination. I wonder if His Highness can agree?"

King Qin Yuwenyi was sulking in the box at this time, Shao Qingzhu checked the palace sand on the spot, but failed to check it out.

Although Qin Wang felt that Shao Qingzhu could not do that kind of thing in his heart, she liked him.

But seeing that Shou Gongsha had not been tested, he was still worried and in a bad mood.

At this time, upon hearing Chu Yunxi's words, King Qin wanted to scold someone, but thinking of Chu Yunxi's identity, he finally held back, and he thought it would be good for his own mother to examine his cousin.

King Qin said: "Okay, I will send someone to the palace to pick him up right away."

After King Qin agreed, Chu Yunxi looked at Ya Jian on the other side and said, "His Royal Highness, please also send someone back to the palace to invite an old lady who knows how to do body checks. I wonder if His Highness agrees."

King Chu Yu Wenmo really didn't dare to offend Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi right now, his fault was in their hands right now, and he was very happy to see King Qin's faction deflated.

"Okay, I will send someone back to the mansion to invite you immediately."

The faces of King Qin and the Shao family turned dark. Originally, they thought that if the mother of King Qin's mansion had a body test, they would have something to hide, but they didn't expect that Chu Yunxi would persuade people from King Chu's mansion to come for the test.

After Chu Yunxi finished arranging these, he looked at Shao Qingzhu downstairs and said, "Miss Shao, don't worry, I will find two people to go in with me to witness Miss Shao's innocence later."

(End of this chapter)

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