Chapter 839 Righteous Sister VS Princess
Yeluxie had already walked in front of Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi, his eyes tenderly looked at Chu Yunxi nestled in Yan Heng's arms.
"Xiao Yunxi is wrong again, you should say thank you, Brother Huang."

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi were surprised for a moment, and Yan Heng said unhappily: "Prince Yelu, stop putting gold on your face, my Xi'er doesn't care about the emperor brother."

Yeluxie looked at Yan Heng with clear eyes and said: "Xiao Yunxi has no natal family, and she is only willing to recognize her as a righteous sister and be her natal family. What does it mean that the prince of Yanling will react so badly? Is it because you are afraid that you will treat Xiao Yun like this?" It’s not good for Xi, Gu’s natal family will take her away? Don’t think that Xiao Yunxi doesn’t have a natal family, so you can bully her at will, and Gu will be her natal family in the future.”

After Yeluxie's words fell, Chu Yunxi had no time to speak, but Yan Heng yelled coldly, "Yeluxie, if you want to ask for a drink, I welcome you. If you keep messing around, I will never forgive you."

After he finished speaking, his phoenix eyes burst out with cold hostility.

It's unlucky enough for him to have a brother-in-law like Chu Yunzhao, but now it's unlucky to have an older brother-in-law for no reason.

The more Yan Heng thought about it, the more angry she was, she turned around and left with Chu Yunxi in her arms, ignoring Ye Luxie behind her.

The light in Yeluxie's eyes dimmed instantly. Couldn't he be an older brother for Xiao Yunxi's husband?
Yeluxie said slowly, "Little Yunxi, if I trade the love of saving my life for the love of a brother, would you be willing?"

After hearing Yeluxie's words, Yan Heng secretly felt bad, and Chu Yunxi said slowly through the red hijab: "Yeluxie, do you really want to recognize me as a righteous sister and be my imperial brother? You have to know that being a sister for one day will be a sister for life, once you open your mouth, it will be a lifetime thing."

The meaning in Chu Yunxi's words is obvious, if Yeluxie recognizes her as his righteous sister, she agrees, but since he recognizes him as her elder brother, he must never have other thoughts in the future.

Yeluxie naturally understood the meaning of Chu Yunxi's words, and his Chuchen face softened instantly.

"I wish to be your elder brother forever, and you will always be my sister."

After hearing Yeluxie's words, Chu Yunxi finally said, "Then Yunxi thanked Brother Huang for his help."

Yeluxie smiled happily and said with a gentle smile, "It's right to help my sister."

Hearing Yeluxie's words, Yan Heng's heart was filled with anger, and he looked down at Chu Yunxi in his arms.

"Xi'er, how can you believe this man's words, he is the best at scheming."

Chu Yunxi may not have much faith in Yeluxie at this time, but Yeluxie mentioned the Qilian Mountains' help, and the life-saving grace does exist.

Yeluxie exchanged that kindness for this brother-sister relationship, and after all, it was her who took advantage of it.

Although this guy is very insidious, it is worth it to exchange a life-saving favor for a chance to trust him.

"Yan Heng, it's getting late, shouldn't we be on our way?"

Yan Heng also knew that this matter was nothing to do with Xi'er, but she could only hate Yeluxie for being too hateful for making such a request with the life-saving grace of the Qilian Mountains.

Yan Heng looked up at Ye Luxie and said, "I hope you really sincerely recognize Xi'er as your sister this time. If you have any other thoughts that you shouldn't have, don't blame me for cutting you into pieces."

Yeluxie looked up at the man opposite, and said seriously, "I won't lie to her again."

She lost a lot because of cheating, if there was no cheating in the first place, maybe he and she wouldn't have passed by.

(End of this chapter)

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