The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 846 It's really hard to control my mother

Chapter 846 It's really hard to control my mother
Mother Jiang was delighted when she heard this, and quickly led the maid to receive the meeting gift from the old concubine, a complete set of top-quality emerald hair, plus a big red envelope.

Chu Yunxi took it, and respectfully thanked the old concubine: "Thank you, concubine mother."

The old concubine had a smile on her face, and she looked at Yan Xueying who was on the side.

Yan Xueying also resigned to her fate now, she didn't dare to challenge Chu Yunxi anymore, and obediently called out: "Xueying has met Mrs. Wang."

Chu Yunxi didn't like Yan Xueying. This woman had often teamed up with Liu Ruqin to bully her in the past, but now she recognized Yan Heng. Even if Yan Xueying was no longer likable, she could only recognize her.

But if this woman provokes her again in the future, it's up to her to deal with her.

Chu Yunxi thought in her heart, her face slightly gentle: "Well, my sister is being polite."

After she finished speaking, she called out, "Caizhu."

Caizhu came in from the door: "Princess."

"Bring the gift I prepared for the princess earlier."

Chu Yunxi asked Caizhu to prepare a gift for Yan Xueying before, but whether the gift can be given depends on Yan Xueying's attitude.

Now Chu Yunxi saw that Yan Xueying was very well-behaved, so she decided to take out this gift.

The gift that Chu Yunxi prepared for Yan Xueying was also a set of hair masks, but a set of pearl hair masks.

Although this set of pearl noodles is not as good as the pink pearl noodles that Yan Heng gave her earlier, it is still very precious. The pearls on it are big and round, and it looks like a good thing.

Yan Xueying liked it very much, she immediately took her head and thanked Chu Yunxi: "Thank you, sister-in-law."

This thank you is sincere.

Everyone inside the door was talking, and Yan Heng's displeased voice came from outside the door: "Why are you all standing outside?"

After Yan Heng finished speaking, he saw the servant on the side of his concubine, Yan Heng's face darkened slightly, and a sharp look flashed in her phoenix eyes.

All the servants in Xicang Pavilion were too frightened to say anything, and Yan Heng had strode towards the new house.

In the room, the old concubine and Yan Xueying had already got up and left, when the group saw Yan Heng walking in with a bad expression.

When the old princess saw her son's appearance, she felt depressed, because she was afraid that she would bully his wife.

Although the old concubine had recognized this earlier, she was in a bad mood. She looked at Yan Heng and said angrily, "Let me see what's wrong with the concubine?"

After she finished speaking, she snorted and walked out with Yan Xueying. Yan Heng raised her eyes and looked at Chu Yunxi who was behind. Chu Yunxi shook her head at him, indicating that the old concubine did not cause her any trouble.

Yan Heng breathed a sigh of relief, raised his foot and followed the old concubine out: "The son sent off the concubine mother."

The old concubine didn't bother to let him send it off, she waved her hand and said, "Forget it, I don't bother to care about your affairs."

Yan Heng knew that his mother and concubine had compromised, and her face became more and more beautiful, so she insisted on sending the old concubine out of the wedding room.

The old concubine took Mother Jiang and others all the way back to Xicang Pavilion, on the way the old concubine was very upset and snorted.

"Are you saying that he is still my son? It seems that I will eat his wife. You must know that woman is much more powerful than me."

Mother Jiang immediately laughed and said: "Old master, didn't you say that you would not get involved with them? And you see how good the prince is. A while ago, I was really scared to death."

As soon as the previous matter was mentioned, the old concubine's face changed, and she dared not say a word: "Forget it, I won't bother to care about their affairs in the future, and now I'm more concerned about Yinger's affairs."

(End of this chapter)

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