Chapter 856 This Is A Poisonous Snake

After Shao Qingzhu finished speaking, in the hall, Mr. Shao and Empress Shao breathed a sigh of relief. This girl is still feasible.

At least it didn't involve too much, what she said inside and outside is just the jealousy of the youngest daughter's family.

Mr. Shao thought about it, his face darkened, and he sternly shouted: "You bastard, you actually caused such a big disaster because of the jealousy of your little daughter's family for a while. Cultivate such an arrogant temperament like you, this time I will definitely teach you a good lesson."

The queen also interjected: "Zhu'er, it's not my aunt talking about you, you really passed this time, the king of Yanling and the concubine of Yanling are loving couples, what are you going to do?"

Although the queen hated Chu Yunxi, she had seen her father's intentions and intended to reconcile with the Yan family.

So the queen naturally couldn't go against her father's will.

The old emperor at the top looked coldly at the father and son of the Shao family at the bottom, very dissatisfied.

Chu Yunxi, Yan Heng and Ye Luxie watched the performance of the Shao family with cold eyes.

This is when they are fools, or fools.

They watched in silence.

In the hall, after Mr. Shao and the Queen performed a performance, they found that no one responded to them, so they couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Moreover, Mr. Shao could see that King Yanling and Princess Yanling would not spare Shao Qingzhu lightly. The old man couldn't help but hesitate, yes To save Shao Qingzhu to protect the Shao family, I still want to keep my granddaughter, because King Yanling and their Shao family have already had a bad relationship, even if Zhu'er is handed over, they may not be able to reconcile.

The hall was silent for a while, until Mu Xiu brought someone in to reply.

"My lord, there is no Liu Ruqin in the Shao family."

After Mu Xiu finished speaking, Shao Qingzhu's expression turned ugly, and he shook his head again and again.

"No, she is in the bamboo courtyard where I live. Did you miss it? By the way, she has changed her appearance. She looks like my little maid, wearing a pink maid skirt."

In order to prevent Shao Qingzhu from running away, she sent two Yuanli cultivators to follow her.

How could she disappear without a trace?

Shao Qingzhu thought about getting up and ran outside the hall, intending to go back to Shao's house to find someone.

Mu Xiu gave Shao Qingzhu a cold look and said, "I have searched everything, and there is no such person as Liu Ruqin."

On the side of the main hall, Chu Yunxi laughed, looked at Shao Qingzhu and said, "Miss Shao is really interesting. Just make up a random person, so will we spare you? You really think too much."

Shao Qingzhu's face turned paler, and he retreated subconsciously.

"No, it was Liu Ruqin who ordered me to do this, it was really her."

At this time, Miss Shao's concubine no longer had the usual noble and dignified demeanor, but was just pitiful.

Chu Yunxi didn't sympathize with her because of her pity.

This woman is like a poisonous snake, she sympathizes with her now, and when she recovers, she will bite them hard.

Chu Yunxi thought about turning around and looking at Yuwen Lingtian at the top of the hall, and said, "Please ask your majesty to make the decision for my wife and let the Shao family hand over Shao Qingzhu, or my wife will worry about her tricks."

Shao Qingzhu looked at the old emperor at the head of the hall with a pale face and said: "Your Majesty, the minister did not lie, it was really Liu Ruqin who instructed the minister to do that, you have to investigate clearly."

Shao Qingzhu cried loudly. She was really afraid that the emperor would hand her over to that woman Chu Yunxi. If she fell into her hands, there would be only one way to die. She didn't want to die.

(End of this chapter)

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