Chapter 860

Chu Yunxi was overjoyed after hearing this: "I didn't know it was possible to do this."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Yan Heng and said, "Where can I find this kind of spiritual weapon that absorbs energy?"

"I gave all the ones I used before to my subordinates. I will help you find them in person later. I will definitely find them for you. This way, your cultivation will be much faster."

"Thank you husband."

Chu Yunxi acted like a baby, and took the opportunity to offer a sweet kiss.

After receiving the sweet kiss, Yan Heng felt very relieved, and sent Chu Yunxi all the way back to the Yanling Prince's Mansion, while he went to work on his own.

Behind Yan Heng is the Yan family army, who have been guarding the border. The reason why he returned to Beijing before was because of poisoning.

His Majesty Chaozhong did not arrange any duties for him, so he is very free right now, and he has time to deal with others when he is free.

In the capital city, a whirlwind soon blew up. The daughter of the Shao family shamelessly wanted to marry Yanling King as a side concubine in a ruined body, but was discovered by the princess. Countless Yuanli masters were sent to assassinate the princess. If the prince was not there, the princess would be killed by her.

But later the concubine found out about this matter, and the Holy Majesty just beat Miss Shao's family a few times and the matter was over.

The Holy Majesty clearly favored Tan Shao's family, which is too outrageous.

The prince of Yanling has defended his family and the country for many years, and now the Shao family is bullying him, it is really abhorrent.

Soon, those who talked about this incident became angry towards the Shao family, and many people scolded the Shao family.

As this matter unfolded, Yu Shi went to the palace to sue the Shao family, because General Shao, the general who protects the country, violated the law in private and flattened the lives of his subordinates.

A general under General Shao, because he took a fancy to a family surnamed Xia's spiritual weapon, the Xuanbing Youlong Sword, forced him to buy this sword.

But this sword was the family heirloom of the Xia family, so they naturally refused to sell it, so the general led people into the Xia family overnight, killed the Xia family, and then robbed the sword.

Five of the six members of the Xia family died, and a ten-year-old child escaped from hiding in the big water tank.

The child fled to his grandfather's house, and the grandfather took the child to report to General Shao in a rage, but General Shao not only refused to admit the matter, but also ordered someone to beat the child's grandfather, which almost didn't let him escape. As soon as my grandfather recovered from his illness, he stopped the imperial official's sedan chair and sued General Shao and his generals.

After this incident was exposed, several incidents occurred in the Shao family.

A concubine of the Shao family's second room secretly betrayed an official, and was found out.

The Shao family had a silver mine, but it was someone else's on the surface. When the man was mining the silver mine, the silver mine was ruined, and many people died. Later, the families of those people gave the people who opened the silver mine The man who opened the silver mine saw that he and his family were about to be executed, so he exposed the Shao family.

Now the entire imperial capital was in an uproar, God, the Shao family is really too arrogant, isn't it just relying on their status as relatives of the emperor?Even the prince of Yanling didn't take it seriously, and he did so many scandals in private, it's really irritating.

The whole family of the Shao family became bereaved dogs. For a while, the gate was closed tightly, and no one dared to step out of the gate.

Even if it was a young man who went out, he would be beaten with a black nose and a swollen face.

The case table of the Holy Majesty in the palace was full of memorials against Shao's family, the Holy Majesty was furious, and ordered the Ministry of Punishment to investigate this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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