The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 863 Didn't Hear Didn't Hear

Chapter 863 Didn't Hear Didn't Hear
Chu Yunxi looked at him with bright and charming eyes and said, "You bastard, you obviously want to do something bad, but you still push it on the child."

Yan Heng smiled happily, and said in a comfortable mood: "Xi'er guessed this too."

The two went all the way back to the room lovingly.

Outside the Xi courtyard, all the waiters couldn't help laughing.

The prince has really changed since the princess came back. Their life is much better now, it's great.

On the second day, Chu Yunxi practiced in seclusion again.

This time, because of the assistance of the Golden Pearl Wind Chime, Chu Yunxi made rapid progress. It took less than ten days to advance to the first level again. Right now, she is an eighth-level great martial artist.

Chu Yunxi originally wanted to practice again, so he rushed to the ninth rank of a great martial artist in one fell swoop.

But someone outside came to invite her.

"Wang Concubine, it's the birthday of the Concubine Liang in the palace, and the Empress has decreed that some of the wives from the court will enter the palace to celebrate the Concubine Liang's birthday."

Chu Yunxi's practice was forced to stop, she got up and walked out the door.

Outside the door, Qingyan was standing respectfully, when she saw Chu Yunxi coming out, she said anxiously: "This subordinate interrupted the master's cultivation."

Chu Yunxi shook his head and said, "It's okay, at least I've advanced to the first level. Right now, I'm an eighth-level great martial artist."

Qing Yan was stunned to hear that, Master's cultivation talent is boundless, it seems that she will soon break through to the Martial King Realm.

In this country, there are not many masters at the Martial King Realm.

Qingyan congratulated Chu Yunxi respectfully while thinking: "Congratulations, master."

Chu Yunxi nodded and asked Chu Qingyan, "You can find out who has entered the palace to celebrate Concubine Liang's birthday."

"My subordinates went to investigate earlier, and they were all the wives of some important ministers in the court. There were only a dozen or so families. It was a small birthday, so it was not easy to deal with it. Besides, the concubine Liang must not be the empress, so there is no way to be so grand. "

Chu Yunxi nodded, and asked again: "What's the situation with the old concubine?"

"The old concubine just sent someone to say that she will enter the palace with the concubine outside the gate of the mansion later."

"oh I got it."

Seeing that it was still early, Chu Yunxi asked Qingyan to prepare bath water for her. She took a bath, ate something, and followed Qingyan out of Xiyuan leisurely.

It's just that she just came out of Xiyuan, and saw Yan Heng hurried over with someone.

"Xi'er, you're out of customs."

Yan Heng walked up to Chu Yunxi in a few steps, looked her up and down, and was relieved when he saw that she was fine.

Chu Yunxi nodded, tilted his head and looked at him, and said, "I'm out of customs, I was lucky enough to advance to the first level, and now I'm an eighth-level great martial artist."

Behind Mu Xiuwei, Li Fu Sheng and the others were silently deceiving themselves, they didn't hear, they didn't hear.

It's so worrying, what should I do?They have practiced for many years, and they are only ninth-rank martial masters now. They want to break through, but they have worked hard for a long time but have not broken through to the Martial King Realm.

But my own princess practiced casually, and became an eighth-rank great martial artist.

Well, they don't want to live.

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi were naturally unaware of the collapsed mentality of their subordinates, Yan Heng raised her eyebrows and proudly praised Chu Yunxi: "Xi'er is amazing."

After Yan Heng finished speaking, she thought of Chu Yunxi's imminent entry into the palace, and immediately said with concern: "Don't worry about entering the palace, this king will lead someone to protect you secretly, so don't worry that someone will hurt you."

Chu Yunxi was surprised, did Yan Heng personally lead someone to protect her?

"You can do it yourself, I can do it, isn't there Longyuan in the dark?"

To be honest, up to now Chu Yunxi has never summoned Long Yuan, and let him stay in the dark to protect her.

Yan Heng listened to Chu Yunxi's words, but shook her head in disapproval: "The Shao family is really in a hurry right now, I'm afraid they'll mess with you in the palace, so I'll protect you secretly, anyway, I don't have a job right now , exactly."

Yuwen Lingtian didn't make arrangements for Yan Heng right now, nor did he mention that Yan Heng should go back to the border town, and there is no war in the northwest right now, so Yan Heng is currently the most idle person in the court.

After hearing Yan Heng's words, Chu Yunxi no longer objected: "Okay."

The two held hands and walked out of the house one after the other.

Outside the gate of the palace, the old concubine and Yan Xueying were waiting, and when they saw Yan Heng leading Chu Yunxi out, one felt sad and the other felt apprehensive.

The old concubine felt sad that the son she raised made other women cheaper, and she couldn't even say it. Raising a son is raising a white-eyed wolf.

Yan Xueying, on the other hand, couldn't stop eating. Brother Wang had never been so kind to her before, but now he is so kind to sister-in-law. Hmph, brother and everything belong to sister-in-law.

Although the two of them felt sad, they didn't dare to show it. Now they don't dare to provoke Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi.

Yan Heng brought Chu Yunxi over to say hello to the old concubine, and then boarded the carriage with Chu Yunxi.

A group of people went to the palace. In the carriage, Yan Heng hugged Chu Yunxi and made a lot of affection.
(End of this chapter)

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