Chapter 865 Started to die again
Thinking about it, Chu Yunxi looked at the queen with a serious face and said: "Please forgive me for not understanding what the empress said. By the way, the birthday banquet for the concubine Liang is about to start, and the wife will leave first. "

After she finished speaking, she gave a salute, then turned around and left. The queen behind her looked at her, her whole face turned black with anger.

"Chu Yunxi, you are too arrogant,"

It's a pity that Chu Yunxi ignored her at all, and now the Shao family is too busy to take care of themselves, so the queen should worry about the Shao family's affairs.

Seeing the failure of the negotiation, the empress thought quickly in her heart, and slowly a dark sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth. The Yan family didn't want to get involved with the Shao family, so she let Yan Shao get involved.

The queen thought about beckoning to let the maid close to her, and whispered a few words.

Chu Yunxi didn't know this, she took people to the Yueming Palace of Concubine Liang.

In Yueming Palace, Concubine Liang is feeling uncomfortable, all the wives present respect her very much, but in fact they don't look down on her at all.

Concubine Liang knew why they looked down on her, wasn't it because she was born in a brothel?So these so-called daughters of aristocratic families all look down on her in their bones.

They looked down on her, and she didn't want to say anything more to them.

So in Nuo Da's palace, other people were chatting and laughing, but Concubine Liang was sitting alone on it.

When Chu Yunxi appeared, Concubine Liang waved her forward without waiting for her to salute.

"Why did you come here?"

Chu Yunxi saw Concubine Liang's embarrassment at a glance.

She lowered her voice and said in a low voice: "Since you are uncomfortable, why bother to invite these wives into the palace."

Concubine Liang said quickly: "I invited it, I don't even want to do it, it's the empress who insists on booing me, be careful, I suspect her target tonight is you."

When Chu Yunxi heard this, she subconsciously raised her head and looked towards His Royal Highness.

Looking at her, her heart sank sharply, because the Great Highness bowed her head, and the old concubine was talking to others by herself, Yan Xueying by her side had long since disappeared.

Chu Yunxi was not afraid of the queen's treatment of her, because she was not afraid of her at all.

But she was afraid that the queen would deal with Yan Xueying, that woman was a no-brainer.

Right now the Yan family and the Shao family are fighting to a critical juncture, if it is ruined because of that woman, it will be troublesome.

As soon as Chu Yunxi thought about it, he greeted Concubine Liang and walked to the side of the old concubine to say hello.

"Mother concubine."

Seeing Chu Yunxi, the old concubine nodded with a smile, and pulled her to sit beside her. The attitude of the two of them was extremely affectionate, and the person beside them muttered to themselves, didn't they mean that the relationship was a bit stiff?This is good again?
After Chu Yunxi sat beside the old concubine, she immediately asked in a low voice, "Concubine mother, where is the princess?"

The old princess looked back, where are people?

Now her complexion also changed, and she cursed in her heart, this rebellious girl is really trying to die, let her stay at ease, stay at ease, where did she go?

However, after looking around, the old concubine saw that several young ladies in the palace were missing, and felt a little relieved, maybe Xueying went out to play with those little sisters.

"She may have gone to visit Yueming Palace with other young ladies. It's not interesting to sit here and talk with us."

However, Chu Yunxi felt that this matter was not simple. She sat down, and after a few words with the woman beside her, she quietly called Qingyan over, and ordered her to go out and inform the prince, and take someone to find Yan Xueying. Find a secluded corner, there are lakes and rivers.

Qing Yan took the order and went out. In the hall, just as Chu Yunxi settled down, Concubine Liang sent someone to call her again.

(End of this chapter)

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