Chapter 869 Marry the Stupid Princess

On the way, the old concubine scolded Yan Xueying angrily: "I told you to stay quietly, why can't you stay quietly."

Yan Xueying said aggrievedly: "Didn't I see that they all ran out to play? I also ran out."

Yan Xueying was also very wronged, but she didn't dare to say anything more, no matter how stupid she was, she could understand that tonight she was almost arranged by the Queen to be with that son of the Shao family.

But Yan Xueying thought of the appearance of Second Young Master Shao, and felt that it would be good for her to marry Second Young Master Shao.

It's just that she never dared to say these words, Chu Yunxi saw it at a glance, and felt speechless in her heart, it seemed that she really wanted to marry the princess.

But who should she marry? She is so stupid, she will be taken advantage of if she is not careful.

Chu Yunxi got into the carriage of the Yanling Palace until he thought of a way.

He said to Yan Heng who had just gotten into the carriage: "I know who the princess should marry?"

Yan Heng reached out to grab her into his arms, and now that they were alone, he was basically holding Chu Yunxi, and Chu Yunxi had also changed from being unaccustomed to it to being calm.

"Marry who?"

Chu Yunxi looked at Yan Heng and said, "Ask your guards to see who is willing to marry the princess, and if anyone is willing, marry him."

Yan Heng couldn't help laughing: "You are too exaggerated, how can a dignified princess marry a guard?"

Chu Yunxi looked at Yan Heng with a smile and said, "Then who do you think she married? If you can tell, we will let her marry."

Yan Heng has never thought about this issue, he has always thought that, as the princess of the Yanling Palace, Yan Xueying can't marry anyone she wants.

Although my younger sister is a bit stupid, she is still supported by the big tree of Yanling Palace, so it is still feasible to find a good family in the future.

But now that Chu Yunxi mentioned it, after thinking about it for a while, he realized that there is really no one to marry.

Most of the children of the aristocratic families in the capital do not want to have anything to do with the Yan family. Those who are willing have a low status, and I am afraid that they will not be able to protect their younger sister. Moreover, the queen is now eyeing the Yan family and marrying an ordinary family. That family couldn't protect her at all.

Thinking of this, Yan Heng was speechless for a moment.

Chu Yunxi smiled proudly: "How about it, I can't think of it, marrying your guards is the best arrangement. First of all, they are your subordinates, so they won't be too much to the princess, and we Yan The Mausoleum Mansion is a big place, so we can separate the west side, set up another gate, build the West Mansion, let the princess and the guards live in the mansion, and let them live in the mansion before the turmoil in the capital is over. In this way, The guards of Yanling Palace can protect them."

After hearing Chu Yunxi's words, Yan Heng was extremely moved: "Xi'er, you are so kind, Xueying treated you like that before, you should pay back."

Before Yan Heng finished speaking, Chu Yunxi immediately raised his hand to stop him: "Stop, I'm not doing it for her, if I'm not afraid that others will use her to deal with us right now, I really won't pay attention to her, who cares?" her."

"But at the moment, she is a member of our Yan family. If she is captured by the Shao family, we can't ignore it. So we should keep it within the scope of protection to save ourselves trouble."

Yan Heng thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid she won't agree."

Although Yan Xueying is stupid, she has a high self-esteem. She always thinks that she is a princess, and ordinary people don't look down on her at all.
Chu Yunxi looked at Yan Heng with a smile and said: "At that time, I will find a way to get her to agree. You can ask your guards if anyone likes the princess. As long as that person pursues the princess in private, I think Yijun The Lord's temperament will definitely come to us and beg us to let her marry, and if I lobby again at that time, there should be no problem."

Yan Heng thought about it, but soon he became worried again.

"Some of my guards may not be willing to marry her."

Yan Xueying has always been unruly and willful, and few of Yan Heng's subordinates like her.

Chu Yunxi laughed: "Then you just thought that the guards were not good enough for the princess, but then you said that she is not willing to marry her."

Yan Heng pinched Chu Yunxi's face and said, "You, you just take the opportunity to laugh at your husband."

Chu Yunxi's face hurt from being pinched, so he stretched out his hand to pinch Yan Heng's face, only to find that the guy's skin was smooth and smooth, and couldn't help but increase the pressure on his hand with jealousy, which turned Yan Heng's face completely red It's time to give up.

"Hmph, the skin on the face of a big man is better than that of a woman, until you get red when you pinch it."

"Then I will let you pinch once a day for my husband."

The words of the husband and wife fell into the ears of the guard outside, and the guard in the dark almost fell to the ground.

Oh my god, is it really their wise and powerful prince and extremely smart princess who said such childish words?

The carriage drove all the way to Yan's house. After returning to Yan's house, Yan Heng couldn't wait to hug Chu Yunxi back to the room. The subordinates behind him watched and sighed again.

In the palace, in the bedroom of Yueming Palace, the old emperor looked at Concubine Liang who was kneeling in front of him with a gloomy expression.

"I heard that you have a very good relationship with Princess Yanling."

Concubine Liang Chuchu looked up at the old emperor pitifully: "If you go back to the emperor, when the prince left Beijing, he sent someone to send a letter to the concubine, asking the concubine to take care of Princess Yanling. If the concubine does not take care of Princess Yanling , he will send someone to clean up his concubines."

After Concubine Liang finished speaking, she wiped her tears pitifully and said, "The concubine is just pretending."

After hearing Concubine Liang's words, Yuwen Lingtian felt better, but he still said with a straight face.

"If I ask you to help me deal with Princess Yanling, would you be willing?"

Yuwen Lingtian stared at Concubine Liang without blinking, and Concubine Liang said softly: "The concubine is naturally willing to help His Majesty, and His Majesty is the concubine's reliance, but if the concubine takes action against Princess Yanling, I'm afraid I will never be able to accompany Your Majesty again, because Princess Yanling is too powerful, and my concubines will definitely not be able to beat her."

After listening to Concubine Liang's words, Yuwen Lingtian suddenly remembered Chu Yunxi's ability. That's right, Princess Yanling Chu Yunxi is too powerful. If Concubine Liang meets her, she may die.

(End of this chapter)

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