Chapter 890
Chu Yunxi said without waiting for Yuwen Lingtian to speak, and said: "In addition, the ministers plead for the people, ask the Holy One to be the master for the people, and severely punish the Shao family. The Shao family has done many things that harmed the people. The grievances of the people are endless. Go to sue, the courtier's wife pleads for the people, and ask the sage to strictly investigate the Shao family."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Yuwen Lingtian felt as sick as swallowing a fly.

Chu Yunxi was so good at winning people's hearts that she pleaded for the people.

Obviously the Shao family has committed a crime right now, even if she doesn't enter the palace to plead for the people, he will not spare the Shao family lightly.

But now that she enters the palace, the outsiders will definitely put the blame on her.

What he did after that, I'm afraid others will blame her.

Yuwen Lingtian's face turned black and blue, and he almost spat a mouthful of blood onto Chu Yunxi's face.

But even though he was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, he still had to accept this move.

"I will investigate this matter, and if found out, I will definitely punish you severely."

After Yuwen Lingtian finished speaking, Chu Yunxi spoke again: "My wife has evidence that Yuwen's family committed the crime, please ask your majesty to immediately order Dali Temple to send all the Shao family to prison."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Yan Heng beside him shouted towards the outside of the study room: "Bring people in."

Outside the upper study room, several people were brought in. The leader of these people was Shao Yichen, the concubine son of the second room of the Shao family, and several concubine disciples of the second room.

As soon as these people appeared, they knelt down: "Xiaomin has seen the Holy One."

Yan Heng pointed to Shao Yichen and said to His Majesty: "This is the concubine of the second wife of the Shao family. He knows many things. Now he has written down various cases committed by the Shao family, and they are willing to testify against the crimes committed by the Shao family. .”

Yuwen Lingtian stared at the few people kneeling below with disbelief.

This is the Shao family. They actually stood up to testify against the Shao family. This, this is too treacherous.

Yuwen Lingtian pointed to Shao Yichen, who was kneeling below, and said, "You are descendants of the Shao family, and you actually identified the Shao family, are you worthy of being human?"

Shao Yichen quickly came out and said: "It's not that the young one wants to be rebellious, but that the Shao family is too ruthless. As the son of a concubine of the Shao family, the young one doesn't usually enjoy much favor from the Shao family. Instead, he makes a lot of money for the Shao family. But something happened. They actually asked Xiaomin to come out to top the tank. Obviously, many of these things were not done by Xiaomin, but one or two of them were done by Xiaomin, and they were also instructed by the above. Put all the responsibility on Xiaomin, that's why Xiaomin did such rebellious things."

After Shao Yichen finished speaking, he presented a stack of case files, which were exactly the crimes committed by the Shao family that he wrote down earlier.

After Yuwen Lingtian glanced at it, he was furious again, and there was a thick pile, which shows how many immoral things the Shao family has done.

"Damn stuff."

Yuwen Lingtian had just finished cursing, and outside the door of the study, a eunuch came in and asked for instructions: "My Majesty, the empress is asking to see you."

Upon hearing about the Shao family, Yu Wenling's eyes burst into flames, he smashed everything in front of him, and shouted: "Let her go, go to Huayi Palace."

The eunuch hurried out, Empress Shao Baozhu had heard the emperor's angry shout
But she didn't leave, but knelt outside the door of the upper study room and begged: "Please give me a chance to defend my brother, my lord, all this is aimed at my brother, he will never betray my lord, my lord must Distinguish right from wrong, don't be deceived by villains, my lord."

The cry came into the upper study room, Yuwen Lingtian's face was full of darkness, and his black pupils stared gloomyly at the eunuch who hadn't had time to leave before saying: "Go, let her come in, come in and have a good look."

The eunuch quickly went out and led the queen in.

(End of this chapter)

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