The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 903 We Are Really Lucky For Three Lives

Chapter 903 We Are Really Lucky

In the tent, several military doctors surrounded Yan Heng to complain. Chu Yunxi had already walked to the case table, and reached out to retrieve the case files that the previous military doctors had treated. After a while, her eyebrows frowned. .

Behind her, Yan Heng has been paying attention to her movement, seeing her appearance, couldn't help walking to her side: "What's wrong?"

Chu Yunxi looked up at Yan Heng and said, "I'm not sure yet, let the military doctor take me to the patient's tent."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, the military doctor in the camp looked at her in surprise, and said displeasedly, "Who is she?"

"How can you tamper with the medical records? This is too unruly."

The military adviser Bai Liangjun on the side looked at the several military doctors with a half-smile and said, "Do you think you didn't die fast enough?"

As soon as the military doctor looked up, he saw his prince, staring at them coldly, his eyes were as sharp as a knife's edge, as if he really wanted to kill them.

The military doctor was startled and looked around.

General Wu Fang said with good intentions: "This is our princess. Didn't you always regret that you didn't see her before? Now that she is in front of you, you are actually yelling nonsense."

When the military doctor heard that it was Chu Yunxi, several people immediately became excited, oh my god, the princess.

They had heard about Xian Yufeng, and they were annoyed that they didn't join.

Oh my god, this is their princess, she looks so pretty.

Several military doctors excitedly rushed to Chu Yunxi's side and directly pushed Yan Heng away.

"Princess, do you want to see the injured patients? I'll take you there."

"Princess, I heard that you have cured many strange diseases. I have always wanted to see you, and I will ask you for advice."

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect to be lucky enough to see the princess now. We are so lucky."

Several military doctors flattered and clapped loudly.

In the camp, everyone stared at these people dumbfounded. Don't look at them as military doctors, but because doctors in this continent are precious, these military doctors have always had their eyes above their heads. Have seen them like this.

I didn't expect that they, who have always had their eyes above the top, could worship a person like this. It's not easy, it's not easy.

Chu Yunxi couldn't stand the guys beside her, but at least he was a military doctor, so she should show some face.

"Take me to the camp of the sick soldiers. I want to check for them. The sooner the disease can be found out, the better. Otherwise, those soldiers may be in danger."

In the camp, when everyone heard Chu Yunxi's words, all of them looked serious. The military doctor also restrained his excited expression, turned around and led Chu Yunxi, Yan Heng and others to the sick soldier's camp.

Inside the camp, rows of soldiers were sleeping peacefully. Everyone had a comfortable smile on their faces, as if they had dreamed of something good in their sleep, but their faces were slightly pale and their cheeks were thin.

If they continue to sleep like this, these people will probably die in their sleep.

Chu Yunxi walked over to examine one of the soldiers first, and the military doctor followed her closely and stared at her, wanting to see how the princess, who was rumored to be highly skilled in Chinese medicine, could detect the illnesses of these soldiers.

If there is no way to find out even the princess, these soldiers may not be saved.

Chu Yunxi took the pulse of several soldiers in a row, and then stopped and stood up.

The military doctor behind him asked her impatiently: "Princess, can you find out what happened to them? Was it poisoned, or was they infected with some strange disease?"

(End of this chapter)

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