The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 906 We Are Trapped By The Formation

Chapter 906 We Are Trapped By The Formation
Upon hearing this, Divine Doctor Bi immediately asked Chu Yunxi what medicinal ingredients he lacked, and he took people to prepare it.

Chu Yunxi handed over the search for medicinal materials to Bi Shenyi, and she started talking to Wan'er.

On Wan'er's beautiful face, her phoenix eyes were full of gloomyness. She looked at Chu Yunxi and said slowly, "Cousin, did the Yan family army do something about it?"

Yan Heng knew who she was referring to, nodded slowly and said: "No accident, it is the King of Qin. Earlier, the Shao family plotted against Yan Heng and me, but we sent them to the guillotine. The King of Qin hated us, so we chose Let’s attack the Yan family’s army.”

Chu Yunxi suspected that King Qin's manipulation of Yan's army was to divert her and Yan Heng out of the capital, so that he could do so in the capital. Of course, Chu Yunxi did not tell Wan'er about this.

But even if she didn't say it, Wan'er cursed angrily.

"Bastard, the Yan family's army is loyal to the country, and they are so crazily attacking these people, the Yuwen family's country will be over sooner or later."

Wan'er laughed sadly, seeing her sad look, Chu Yunxi stretched out his hand to comfort her.

"Don't worry about it, those things are far away from you. You just need to live in Xianyu Peak with peace of mind. By the way, I heard that you worship Bi Shenyi as your teacher. How did you think of studying medicine?" ?”

Speaking of this, Wan'er forgot to be sad, she smiled and said: "I fell in love with Bi Shenyi when I met, and I found that I am very interested in medical skills. I like doing this kind of thing that helps others. An amazing thing happened.”

Chu Yunxi saw that Wan'er's eyes were full of light, and she could tell at a glance that she really liked studying medicine.

That's not bad.

Chu Yunxi held Wan'er's hand and said with a smile: "Then learn from Bi Shenyi well. In the future, I will give you two more medical classics to keep your medical skills to a higher level. If I don't return to immortality in the future Now that Yufeng is dead, I will leave Xianyufeng to you to take care of."

Chu Yunxi's words filled Wan'er's eyes with brilliance, as if she had a goal in her life.

"Okay, cousin, don't worry, I won't hold you back. Your medical skills are so good. As your cousin, I will try my best not to embarrass you."

Chu Yunxi was very happy to see her so confident, reached out and rubbed her head and said, "Let's go, let's go and help Master Bi get the medicinal materials."

"Okay," the two said as they walked towards the medicinal herb garden.

It's easy to do things with a lot of people, and all the doctors in Xianyu Peak helped, and the medicinal materials were quickly prepared.

Doctor Bi followed Chu Yunxi with a few people and went all the way to the Yan Family Army's barracks to help.

It's just that when a group of people walked halfway, they found something wrong. Everyone stopped, looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "According to the logic, we should have arrived long ago. Why do we seem to be walking around, but we can't get away? Here we go."

After one person spoke, the others also found out about it.

"Where is it, I also feel that something is wrong. We are not far from the camp where the Yan family's army is stationed. No matter how far we have come, we can't reach it now."

"It seems a little weird here."

After looking around intently, Chu Yunxi confirmed that they were currently trapped by the formation.

"Someone set up a formation here to trap us. He doesn't want us to rescue those generals."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, he thought of another possibility. The people behind set up this formation, not only to trap her and prevent her from being treated by the soldiers at the border, but also to prevent her from returning to Beijing.

Something must have happened in Beijing.
(End of this chapter)

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