The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 908 The real murderer behind the scenes

Chapter 908 The real murderer behind the scenes
Chu Yunxi felt that this was normal. With so many people in the Yan family army, how could there be no one placed by others.

"Yan Heng, I have a plan to make the person behind the scenes reveal."

Yan Heng immediately looked at Chu Yunxi, and Chu Yunxi said quickly, "Think about it, that person wants to keep us so that the people in the capital can do it. If we release the news, we will leave the healing of the soldiers to Bi Shenyi If we deal with it, we will rush back to the capital, do you think the person behind the scenes will be in a hurry, and if he is in a hurry, he will find a way to stop us, how will he stop us?"

"He can't beat us, and he can't poison us. What means do you think he will use to stop us?"

When Chu Yunxi said this, he looked at Yan Heng, Yan Heng's eyes dimmed, and bloodthirsty blood welled up from the corners of his lips.

"He will tamper with the soldiers in the army and make them suffer from other diseases. In this way, we can keep you and me. Damn it."

With a wave of Yan Heng's hand, a burst of Yuan force blasted out, destroying a large area of ​​trees in the forest.

Bai Liangjun and the others who followed them were startled, and everyone shouted in unison: "My lord."

Yan Heng led Chu Yunxi to shoot in front, because the speed was very fast, so the people behind didn't know what they were talking about. Seeing Yan Heng getting angry at this moment, everyone couldn't help being shocked.

Yan Heng ignored them, and the group hurried to the garrison camp.

As soon as they entered the camp, everyone became busy. Chu Yunxi took Miracle Doctor Bi and others to treat the soldiers, while Yan Heng asked Bai Liangjun to speak out. He and the princess will return to the capital soon. Everything here will be done by Miracle Doctor Bi. .

In the camp, the soldiers were not worried when they heard the news, because Bi Shenyi is also a very good doctor, not to mention that the concubine has already found out the disease, and all she needs is the right treatment.

It was night, the sky was full of stars, and the camp was brightly lit.

Except for the busy camp of the sick soldiers, the rest of the place was quiet.

Under the silent night, several figures, like ghosts, left the camp all the way and went straight to the northwest corner of the camp.

In the northwest corner of the camp, there are two ancient wells, which are the wells for the soldiers of the camp to drink water, and they are guarded by special soldiers every day.

But at this time, it was almost dawn, and people were most likely to get sleepy. The general who was in charge of guarding the ancient well was really sleepy, so he leaned against a place not far away with his sword in his arms and took a nap.

The few figures who shot over before saw the situation, rushed over, quickly took out the medicine powder in their sleeves, and planned to pour it into the water.

It's just that he just opened the medicine bag, and there were several swishing sounds behind him, and then countless torches lit up all around, and the northwest corner of the camp was instantly lit up like daytime.

Behind a group of people, several figures came out, and the leader was Yan Heng who was full of anger.

Without waiting for the people by the well to speak, Yan Heng waved his hand and ordered: "Take it."

Several soldiers rushed over, grabbed the people who were about to administer the medicine, and brought them all the way in front of Yan Heng.

Yan Heng looked coldly at the few people kneeling in front of him, and said slowly: "Tell me, who ordered you to do this."

Several people's faces were ashen, knowing that they would die today, they didn't speak at all in the end.

Bai Liangjun beside Yan Heng had already recognized the identities of these people, and quickly reported to Yan Heng: "My lord, they are under General Gao Yi..."

(End of this chapter)

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