The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 914 This person is mentally ill, is he crazy?

Chapter 914 This person is mentally ill, is he crazy?
The more Yan Xueying spoke, the more angry she became. In the main hall, Chu Yunzhao heard her say that her sister was a snake demon, and her delicate face had changed a long time ago. When he raised his hand, the powerful Yuan Li gathered in his palm superior
Just as Chu Yunzhao was about to teach Yan Xueying a lesson, Mu Xiuhao brought someone in from outside the main hall. As soon as he came in, he saw that Chu Yunzhao was about to use Yuanli.

Chu Yunzhao is currently a second-rank Martial King, if he uses Yuanli, the Yanling Palace may be blown away.

Mu Xiu's face changed, and he hurriedly walked a few steps to stop Chu Yunzhao.

"Young master, don't use Yuanli. Right now, the prince and concubine are not in the capital, and the outside is already chaotic enough. If our house becomes chaotic again, I'm afraid it will be just like those villains' thoughts."

Mu Xiu's words made Chu Yunzhao's face change. If he followed his previous temperament, he would definitely teach Yan Xueying a lesson, but since he and Yan Heng got closer, he has learned some truths, knowing that it is not appropriate to Internal strife can only be fought externally.

So Chu Yunzhao withdrew his little hand, turned his head to look at Yan Xueying, and said fiercely: "Remember, if you dare to speak ill of my sister, I will not let you go."

After Yan Xueying cast a cold glance at Chu Yunzhao, she said coldly, "Don't think I'm afraid of you."

After Yan Xueying finished speaking, she looked at Mu Xiu abruptly and said, "Guard Mu, open the door of the mansion immediately, and let the Taoist outside come in to catch the monster, and return my Yanling Palace's innocence."

Mu Xiu looked at Yan Xueying incredulously, is this person mentally ill?Stupid, crazy.

"The princess is careful, there are no monsters in my Yanling palace."

Yan Xueying yelled angrily: "Why not, you were all bewitched by the demon, that's why you say good to her."

"If you don't go, I will go," Yan Xueying raised her foot and was about to go out. Behind her, the old concubine turned pale with anger, and yelled sharply: "Tie up this crazy woman."

Immediately, a nanny in the hall rushed over and held Yan Xueying down. Yan Xueying struggled non-stop, and said while struggling: "Mother and Concubine, you are also bewitched by the demon, aren't you? You don't even believe what your daughter says." That's right, it's a monster, a monster that specializes in killing people, if you don't believe me, you will regret it sooner or later."

The old concubine almost died of anger, and ordered Mother Jiang: "Stop her mouth for me."

Mammy Jiang immediately pulled out the handkerchief and stuffed it into Yan Xueying's mouth. The princess really lost her mind and went crazy. She even said that the princess is a monster. Is there something wrong with her mind?
Yan Xueying was quickly tied up and taken away. In the main hall, the old concubine looked at Mu Xiu and said, "What's going on outside?"

"A large number of people gathered around the gate of the mansion, let us hand over the princess, and they also invited Master Wuwei from Xiangguo Temple..."

Master Wuwei also knew the old concubine, so she quickly said: "Master Wuwei won't listen to the words of those small people."

Mu Xiu shook his head and said, "Master Wuwei may have come here with ulterior motives."

This word made the old princess look shocked, and she didn't say a word for a long time.

Outside the gate of Yanling Prince's Mansion, everyone first started shouting for the people in the Palace to hand them over.

Finally, seeing that the gate of Yanling Palace was closed, someone started throwing rotten eggs and stinky shoes, and finally someone invited Master Wuwei out.

"Master, take a quick look, is there a monster hiding in the Yanling Palace?"

After one person asked, the others all shouted: "Master, take a look."

"Master must help us find out where the monster is hiding."

(End of this chapter)

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