Chapter 916 I Will Kill You
Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi had already arrived at the capital by the Golden Lingdiao, and soon reached the sky above the Yanling Palace. Before they landed, they saw a black crowd outside the gate of the Yanling Palace, and everyone was filled with righteous indignation Shouting, burn the snake demon to death.

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi's expressions changed, and they immediately understood what was going on.

This is someone who calculated on their heads.

Looking at the scene below, Yan Heng was afraid that Chu Yunxi would fall and be attacked by the people, so she quickly said, "I'll send you to avoid it first, let me deal with it first."

Before Chu Yunxi could speak in the future, the people below who had been causing trouble suddenly discovered the golden eagle eagle above their heads, and at the same time, someone spotted Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi. These people shouted: "Look, Lord Yanling and Yanling The princess is back."

As soon as this person finished speaking, he was slapped on the head by the person next to him: "What Princess Yanling, that is a thousand-year-old snake demon."

"Snake demon, come down quickly, come down and die immediately."

"Yes, we're going to burn her, we're going to burn her."

Although everyone clamored to burn Chu Yunxi to death, when they saw her appear, they were all subconsciously afraid and backed away. In the end, there was a lot of space outside the gate of Yanling Prince's Mansion.

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi saw that others had discovered them, and there was no point in retreating, so they ordered Jin Lingdiao to come down.

When Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi got off Jin Lingdiao's body, the surrounding people shouted.

"Prince Yanling, the woman beside you is not Chu Yunxi, the daughter of Duke Chu's mansion. She is transformed by a thousand-year-old snake demon. You should stay away from her, or you will be killed by her."

"Yes, yes, my lord, you should stay away from her."

Hearing the cries of the people around, Yan Heng's complexion sank, and anger surged all over his body, his phoenix eyes stared straight at the people on the opposite side, and he said gloomily: "Shut up, don't dare to talk nonsense, don't you see me Order someone to take you down."

It was good that Yan Heng didn't open his mouth, but when he opened his mouth, those common people shouted: "Look, Prince Yanling was bewitched by the snake demon."

"My lord is completely addicted to the witchcraft of the snake demon."

"Catch the snake demon quickly."

Although everyone shouted to catch Chu Yunxi, no one dared to step forward, and everyone stayed far away.

The movement outside the mansion had already alarmed the people inside the Yanling Palace. Mu Xiu, Fu Sheng and others led Zhao Zhao and others to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Zhao Zhao rushed to Chu Yunxi's side, glaring angrily at the crowd of people outside the Yanling Palace.

"You bad guys actually bullied my sister, I will kill you."

Chu Yunzhao raised his hand and wanted Shi Yuanli to deal with these hateful people.

It's just that Chu Yunxi raised his hand and grabbed his hand, preventing him from doing it.

These foolish people have been taken advantage of by others, and if Zhao Zhao makes a move, it will be out of control in the future.

Chu Yunxi paced forward a few steps, and said slowly with a cold face: "I want to ask everyone, how did I, Chu Yunxi, become a snake demon properly? Who said that I am a snake demon."

"God warned us that there were monsters in the capital. Later we went to Xiangguo Temple to offer incense and found that the Buddha statue was broken. Later we saw so many snakes worshiping you. Why did those snakes worship you? Doesn’t that mean you are a snake demon?”

After one person finished speaking, the others shouted in agreement: "That's right, you are a snake demon, a snake demon who specializes in harming people. We will arrest you and burn you to death."

"You have killed everyone in the Shao family before, and you will kill us in the future, so we can't let you live."

"We're going to burn you."

"Burn you."

(End of this chapter)

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