The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 920 He Doesn't Dare To Provoke This Ancestor

Chapter 920 He Doesn't Dare To Provoke This Ancestor

Outside the gate of Yanling Prince's Mansion, everyone retreated subconsciously, and then some people thought that Chu Yunxi was not like a snake demon.

If it was a thousand-year-old snake demon, the demon must have great powers. How could it be possible to endure such anger and eat them and the princess in one bite.

So someone in the crowd murmured softly: "Princess Yanling must be human."

"I also don't think she's a demon."

The people here muttered to themselves, on the other side, Fu Sheng invited Yan Hanshan, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, to come all the way.

Yan Hanshan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, has two heads on one head, he is really terrified of Chu Yunxi, and it would be no good to mess with this one.

But now Princess Yanling sent someone to invite him, if he didn't come, something would happen.

So Yan Hanshan brought the soldiers of the Ministry of Justice all the way to Yanling Palace.

When they rushed to the gate of the Yanling Palace, they found that the gate of the palace was crowded with people.

When these people saw Yan Hanshan, they shouted: "Master Shangshu, help us, we have to go home, we have to leave."

"Yes, Princess Yanling won't let us go home, please let us go home, Lord Shangshu."

Yan Hanshan looked at these terrified people with a speechless face. He had been reported to him about the situation here before, and he knew that these people were here to make trouble.

But it was the first one to make trouble to the point of crying and wanting to leave.

Yan Hanshan looked at the people outside the gate of Yanling Prince's Mansion, then turned to look at Yanling King Yanheng and Chu Yunxi, and said, "My lord, my concubine, do you want to let them go back first? It's already late at night, and it's almost time for them to go back." gone."

Chu Yunxi sneered twice, looked at Yan Hanshan and said, "Master Yan is really a good official who thinks about the people, but why doesn't Lord Yan think about my concubine? My concubine was slandered by them as a snake demon. If I don't find out today It's clear and clear that this concubine will bear the title of snake demon, could it be that Master Yan also wants this concubine to bear such a title."

Chu Yunxi looked at Yan Hanshan with a half-smile, and Yan Hanshan broke out in a cold sweat immediately.

He didn't dare to provoke this ancestor, because Shao's family was ruined before, so he provoked her.

Yan Hanshan immediately said righteously and sternly: "They dare to slander the princess, this matter must be investigated clearly."

Chu Yunxi's face was slightly warm, and he looked at Yan Hanshan and said: "I heard them say that some strange things happened in the capital earlier, so please come and find out these things, so that others will not blame me."

"The first thing is about the matter of thunder blowing up the houses. I suspect that someone used something to induce thunder and blew up the houses of those people. Therefore, the first thing Shang Shu wants to investigate is this matter. The second thing is , about the shattering of the Buddha image in Xiangguo Temple, how could the Buddha image be shattered, don’t tell me any warnings from the sky, God is very busy, there is no such leisure, and the warnings are issued again and again.”

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, he said: "Help me find out why the snakes worship my Yanling Palace. I suspect that someone has placed something outside the gate of my palace. Please check it carefully, Lord Shangshu. The last thing is Lord Shangshu help me to investigate this master to find out who he is, why he said with a red mouth and white teeth that there is a monster in the sky above my Yanling Palace."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Shangshu Yan Hanshan nodded repeatedly, thinking in his heart that he would enter the palace and report the matter to the Holy Majesty later. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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