Chapter 922 I'm Too Ashamed
Chu Yunxi had already sucked back the silver needle on Yan Xueying's body with Yuanli before, so there was nothing on Yan Xueying's body at this time.

The doctor checked twice, and finally stood up and looked at Yan Heng and said, "My lord, the princess has been drugged."

Yan Heng glanced at the doctor, and then looked at the people sitting outside the gate of Yanling Prince's Mansion. These people have been shouting for a day, hungry and tired, and they can't leave now, and they are all gone now.

Yan Heng looked at them coldly, his eyes were like sharp knives, everyone who saw them lowered their heads in fright, not daring to look at Yan Heng.

I'm afraid that if he recognizes himself, it will be bad luck later.

Yan Heng said coldly: "You have heard that the princess has been tampered with, what does this mean, do you understand?"

Someone in the crowd whispered, "Understood."

Yan Heng yelled sharply: "Speak up, understand?"

The people were taken aback, and shouted one after another: "Understood."

Yan Heng ignored the people, turned around to look at the servants of the palace, and said: "Bring the princess in, and then invite the doctor in to help the princess treat it."

"Yes, my lord."

The servants of the palace brought Yan Xueying in, and invited the doctor in.

In the following time, no one dared to speak again, except that when Yan Heng looked at Chu Yunxi, he said distressedly: "Xi'er, you go in and rest, you have worked so hard to save the soldiers at the border. Time, leave it to me here."

Chu Yunxi shook her head: "No, I'll wait and see if I'm actually a snake demon or not?"

Chu Yunxi's voice was very loud, and all the people outside the gate of the Yanling Palace heard it, and each of them trembled slightly in their hearts, and then thought of what Yan Heng said earlier.

Many people feel ashamed. Princess Yanling is dedicated to serving the people, but what are they doing?

Seeing that Chu Yunxi was unwilling to go in, Yan Heng asked her if she wanted something to eat.

Chu Yunxi also refused, vowing to wait for the truth of this matter to be found out.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the night passed quickly. After dawn, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice and the people from the Yanling Palace had not yet appeared.

The people couldn't take it anymore, they really couldn't stand the torture, some people cried and cried out.

"Princess, we believe you are human, not a demon, please let us go."

"Yes, we believe that the princess is human, please let us go, princess."

"Princess, we will never believe what other people say in the future."

These cries did not move Chu Yunxi. This time, Chu Yunxi was determined to teach these common people a lesson, so that they would remember them long. In the future, they should not rush to the Yanling Palace to make trouble whenever someone fanned the flames. Seriously. Do you think she is easy to bully?
"Shut up all of you. Earlier you said that this concubine is a snake demon, and now you say no, this red-mouthed and white-toothed person can say whatever he wants, but even if you said that this concubine is not a snake demon, this concubine I want you to see clearly, what is going on?"

Chu Yunxi categorically rejected the people's request to leave.

The people wanted to leave, and looked at the gloomy Lord Yanling and his subordinates in the Yanling Palace, none of them dared to move.

They had reason to believe that if they dared to make a fuss, the people of the Yanling Palace would definitely take them down, and by then they would suffer a lot.

So everyone can only sit, really hungry and tired.

Just at this moment, Master Wuwei at the front of the crowd moved.

(End of this chapter)

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