Chapter 932

Chu Yunxi paused for a while and then said: "As the wives have said before, Princess Qin's health has always been very good, how could she be ill for no reason? Based on the previous circumstances, I have reason to doubt Gu Yueer He was probably killed by someone."

"Since I found out about this matter, how can I sit idly by, not to mention that we are about to deal with King Qin right now, so someone handed me a knife?"

Chu Yunxi smiled coquettishly. At this moment, she is not at all cold and arrogant in front of outsiders. She is just a pretty little girl, agile and cunning. Seeing her like this, Yan Heng couldn't help but feel boundless emotions in her heart. Love comes.

He stretched out his hand and dragged Chu Yunxi into his arms, and kissed her hard.

Chu Yunxi looked puzzled, blinked her watery eyes, and looked at Yan Heng speechlessly.

Let's talk about things, can we just kiss if we don't agree with each other.

Seeing the way she blinked her eyes, Yan Heng fell in love with her more and more, and gave her another deep kiss.

After the lingering kiss, he turned to Chu Yunxi and said, "Xi'er, after these matters are resolved, we will have a baby, a daughter."

Now he doesn't want a son urgently, he wants a daughter very much, a daughter who is as cute and weird as her.

Chu Yunxi couldn't keep up with this person's pace at all, Lord, aren't we talking about business?As Mao was talking, he started talking about his daughter.

The two talked all the way, and kissed all the way back to Yanling Palace.

In the afternoon, there was an uproar in the Qin Palace. Mrs. Gu suspected that her daughter was murdered, so she ordered someone to go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to sue King Qin Yu Wenyi, saying that her daughter was killed by someone in the Qin Palace. , Please send someone from the Ministry of Punishment to Qin Wangfu for an autopsy.

Now the entire capital was in an uproar, discussing and speculating about the feasibility of this matter.

Many people combined various factors, and finally felt that the King of Qin could really get rid of Princess Qin. You must know that although Gu Yueer is the daughter of the Gu family, the scholar Gu is a civil servant. In this era when the strong are respected, warriors are popular. Yes, so people like Gu Dashi are not as good as generals in court.

Now that the King of Qin has lost such an arm as the Shao family, doesn't he think of another way? Gu Yueer is his stumbling block, so the death of Qin Wangfei Gu Yueer is indeed strange. She was a healthy person before, but she just said no. Gone.

No wonder the Gu family is making trouble.

The Secretary of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs did not dare to accept the case, and immediately went to the palace to report to Yuwen Lingtian. Yuwen Lingtian's expression was not to mention how ugly, and he was as suspicious of his son as the outsiders.

But no matter whether he suspects it or not, he can't let Yu Wenyi bear such a name, because he is from the Yuwen family. If it is reported that he murdered his concubine, the people will not only scold King Qin, but even the Yuwen family. scold.

So the emperor ordered Yan Hanshan to investigate this case seriously.

The emperor's earnest investigation of the case gave Yan Hanshan unlimited imagination, and he immediately took orders to go to Qin Palace to investigate the case of Qin Wangfei's death.

But in the end, it was checked and found that Princess Qin really died of illness.

Now Mrs. Gu refused to admit it, and spent money to hire a doctor to perform an autopsy on her daughter, but after searching, she couldn't find a doctor who was willing to take over the matter.

Who would dare to confront the royal family, so Qin Wangfu and the Gu family are at a standstill right now.

(End of this chapter)

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