The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 939 Who's to blame for being so tired?

Chapter 939 Who's to blame for being so tired?
Yan Heng reached out and took a piece of Chu Yunxi's favorite pastry, put it on her plate and said: "This has always been a means of the royal family. It's so strange to blame others. When the King of Qin did this, it was impossible not to Thinking about what to do after failure, I'm afraid he didn't get involved from the beginning to the end, and the side concubine's death was not wronged, and if nothing happens, King Qin must have picked her up to do so."

Chu Yunxi sighed, still feeling sorry for the young lady of the Gu family. She had met Gu Yueer before, and she was a very connotative woman. The Gu family was originally a family of poets and books, so most of the women in the family mainly read books.

Of course, this is also where King Qin is dissatisfied. What he needs is the support of generals.

In the main hall, seeing Chu Yunxi's distressed expression, Yan Heng said distressedly: "Okay, don't worry about their affairs, and take a good rest after eating."

"What about you?" Chu Yunxi asked casually, and Yan Heng said: "The king of Chu ordered someone to meet me earlier, so I will go see him and see what he wants."

"Okay, you go and meet him, I'll sleep."

As Chu Yunxi said that, she felt that her back was sore and her back was hurting. Last night, this guy just asked her to fulfill her promise and did it once with that difficult posture. If she hadn't been so tired and panicked, this guy might come again.

Thinking about it, Chu Yunxi gave Yan Heng a blank look, and Yan Heng naturally thought of what happened last night, and his face was filled with unsatisfactory desire.

In the hall, two people were flirting with each other to understand what happened last night.

Outside the door, Caizhu came in and reported: "Miss, the housekeeper sent someone to say that the members of the Gu family want to see Miss."

Chu Yunxi didn't speak, but Yan Heng frowned. He felt sorry for his daughter-in-law, why is there so much trouble in the Gu family.

"They said is there anything wrong? The princess is going to rest."

Yan Heng said angrily, and Cai Zhu quickly said: "It is said that Mrs. Gu is seriously ill, and she is about to die. The Gu family has nothing to do, so I want to ask the princess to come forward and see if she can save the old lady."

Upon hearing this, Chu Yunxi quickly waved his hands and said, "Let someone from their family come in and tell me, what's going on?"

What happened yesterday was caused by her. No matter what, she couldn't just watch Mrs. Gu die of illness.

Although she indirectly helped Gu Yue'er to avenge her grievances, Mrs. Gu could live a good life in the first place.

After hearing what Chu Yunxi said, Caizhu immediately went out to let the housekeeper bring someone in.

In the main hall, Yan Heng looked at Chu Yunxi distressedly and said, "You are exhausted, why bother with them."

Chu Yunxi looked at Yan Heng with a half-smile on his lips, and said, "Who caused me to be so tired?"

Yan Heng immediately reflected on himself and said: "It's my fault, I must pay attention to the time next time."

Chu Yunxi snorted coldly: "It's good to know."

It wasn't her begging for mercy before, this guy wanted to do it again, shameless.

While the two were talking, Caizhu brought the Gu family in.

Two middle-aged servant women came, and when they saw Chu Yunxi, they knelt down and begged: "Princess Yanling, please save our old lady, she is dying, and the old man has nothing to do, so I will Let the servants come here to beg Wangfei, Wangfei, please help me, the young lady is dead, if anything happens to the old lady, our old man will not be able to live."

Chu Yunxi signaled them to get up and talk, but the two of them refused to get up.

"Princess Yanling, please save our old lady."

(End of this chapter)

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