Chapter 942
King Qin's move can be said to have lost more than half of his supporters in the court. Doesn't King Qin hate her?

He hates her and must want to deal with her. This time going to Xiangguo Temple is an opportunity.

In the main hall, Yan Heng said in a deep voice: "This king will never let him hurt you a little."

If Yu Wenyi dared to hurt Xi'er, he wouldn't mind killing him.

Chu Yunxi looked at Yan Heng and said, "He probably not only wants me to die now, but also wants me to be ruined and die, so this trip to Xiangguo Temple is not just about killing me."

Chu Yunxi's words made Yan Heng think of the methods Qin Wang Yu Wenyi might use, and his whole body was filled with anger.

"This king ruined his reputation first."

Seeing the anger around Yan Heng, Chu Yunxi reached out and took his hand to comfort him, "Don't be angry, these are all our guesses, but we have to be on guard."

After she finished speaking, she remembered the matter about Liu Ruqin that Yan Heng had asked Fu Sheng to investigate.

"By the way, didn't you ask your subordinates to keep an eye on Liu Ruqin in Prince Qin's mansion earlier? Let's take her with me. Let's see how King Qin plans to deal with me this time. If he wants to ruin my reputation, why don't we take her with me first?" His reputation is completely tainted."

"Okay, do what Xi'er says."

After Yan Heng finished speaking, he called Fu Sheng who was outside the door to come in: "You immediately enter the Qin Palace quietly and bring Liu Ruqin out. Remember, don't disturb anyone in the Qin Palace."

"Yes, my subordinates will do it immediately."

Just as Fu Sheng left, Mu Xiu and Wei Li came in and reported, "My lord, Wei Li has rushed back."

Wei Li has been exhausted for a while. Earlier, his master and concubine rushed to the border with a golden feather eagle. He took a few of his men there in a carriage, but before he arrived at the border, he received news that the prince had already He returned to Beijing, so he had to rush back again.

Yan Heng glanced at Wei Li and asked, "Do you want to go down and rest?"

Wei Li shook his head: "No need, this subordinate is fine."

Isn't it just to hurry?After hearing what he said, Yan Heng didn't insist on letting him go down to rest, and told Mu Xiu and Wei Li, "I'm afraid something will happen during this trip to Xiangguo Temple, so you should bring more people to wait for your orders, remember not to be careless .”

"Yes, this subordinate is waiting for orders."

A group of people got up and went to the Qin Palace, and the hundreds of officials in front of the Qin Palace had basically arrived. When Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi arrived, many officials came up to say hello.

Whether everyone likes it or not, no one dares to offend Yan Heng in private.

This was also the reason why Yuwen's family was angry. A courtier was afraid of a courtier. What would they do with such a person, but they racked their brains and couldn't get rid of the person they wanted to get rid of.

This made the members of the Yuwen family hate him even more, and in the end it almost became an obsession.

Soon, Princess Qin's coffin was carried out, and the Gu family followed closely behind the coffin, weeping unceasingly.

The one at the front was Mrs. Gu. Mrs. Gu was clearly dying of illness before, but when her daughter was sent to Xiangguo Temple, she managed to rush over.

Heart-piercing cries were mixed with Mrs. Gu's bloody cursing.

"Yue'er, mother's sweetheart, why did you go there? Those who are going to die should die. Those who are black-hearted, black-lung, rotten, and wolf-hearted are the most damned."

"How can I have the heart to let my mother send a white-haired person to a black-haired person? My poor Yue'er, my mother knows that you didn't do it on purpose. You were killed by life. People get retribution, it's not that they don't repay, the time has not yet come, and when the time comes, all the bad guys will get retribution."

(End of this chapter)

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