Chapter 955
In the study, King Qin didn't look at other people, but looked at Mr. Wen. Right now, the person he trusts the most is Mr. Wen.

"Sir, do you think this king still has a chance to come back?"

Mr. Wen stroked his beard and thought for a while, then said: "If you want to succeed in the position right now, you have to put all your eggs in one basket and make another gamble without hesitation, but this is very dangerous, the prince should think twice before doing it."

"Sir, please speak."

Qin Wang's eyes were red, he lost everyone, but ended up with nothing, he was not reconciled.

So no matter how dangerous it is, he has to give it a try.

In the study room, all the staff members stared at Mr. Wen, and Mr. Wen looked at King Qin and said: "If the Holy Majesty is seriously ill and orders to be placed in His Highness King Qin, His Highness can ascend the throne smoothly. After His Highness ascends the throne, those who have bullied His Highness His Royal Highness can take care of those who are in trouble."

After Mr. Wen finished speaking, there was a moment of silence in the study, because Mr. Wen meant to kill the king and seize the throne. This inadvertent move is a deadly game.

"My lord, think twice."

A staff member got up and said.

Then someone echoed: "We can slowly discuss the long-term."

"That's right, it's fine if you succeed in ascending the throne. The historian is merciful after all. If it fails, Qingshi will leave a bad name."

Many people in the study were against it, they didn't want to risk their lives against King Qin this time.

King Qin was very excited, an unusual excitement, he was excited at the thought of killing Yuwen Lingtian.

That damned person deserves to be killed.

Qin Wang glanced at the staff in the study and said: "If you are afraid, you can leave now, this king will not embarrass you."

Whoever dares to leave, don't look at King Qin's words right now, but when they really leave, they will definitely be hunted down later.

So everyone present was silent, and King Qin looked at Mr. Wen: "Sir, tell me about your plan."

Mr. Wen talked about his plan.

The more King Qin listened, the more excited he became. Until Mr. Wen finished his plan, King Qin fully believed that this method was feasible.

He quickly said, "Okay, that's it."

Among the staff in the study, no one dared to speak, they could only acquiesce.

Three days later, the queen in the palace was seriously ill, and the doctors were helpless, so the king of Qin asked to take care of his mother.

The holy decree was to be played, and at the same time, a decree was given to Chu Yunxi to give the Queen Xuanjin Huayi Palace a pulse diagnosis.

In order to prevent someone in the palace from planning against Chu Yunxi, Yan Heng followed Chu Yunxi into the palace step by step.

In the bedroom of Huayi Palace, the sage Yuwen Lingtian looked at Yu Wenyi who was carefully serving the queen, his eyes were a little unpredictable.

The queen had been fine before, but after King Qin was imprisoned by him, the queen became seriously ill.

Is this a coincidence or some scheming?

The more Yuwen Lingtian thought about it, the sharper his eyes became. He stared closely at King Qin, trying to see the look on his face, but when he looked around, he could only see King Qin's respectful and careful look.

Yuwen Lingtian couldn't control himself, and subconsciously asked, "Yi'er, do you hate your father?"

There was a flash of hostility in Yu Wenyi's eyes, but at this moment his back was facing the emperor, and when he turned around again, his face had returned to its normal expression.

Yu Wenyi shouted in fear: "Father, my son really hates what Father is doing, Father is really embarrassing my son."

King Qin knelt down with grief on his face.

Yuwen Lingtian remained silent, staring at King Qin calmly.

At this time, outside the bedroom, Chang Fu's voice sounded: "My lord, have King Yanling and Princess Yanling entered the palace?"

(End of this chapter)

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