Chapter 963 This Is Too Inhumane
After thinking about it, several subordinates in the dark dodged and left.

Outside the dormitory, a doctor and eunuch rushed in. As soon as they came in, they saw the person on the bed clenched his teeth, his face pale.

The doctor asked Chu Yunxi worriedly: "What's going on?"

Chu Yunxi sighed heavily and said, "Outside the new king has succeeded to the throne, the Holy Majesty heard it and was furious. This made his heart disease worse, so he passed out from the pain."

Hearing Chu Yunxi's words, the doctor and eunuch all sighed, and glanced at the Holy Majesty on the bed.

He no longer had the mighty, domineering, high-spirited spirit of the past, and now he is just a bad old man.

In the future, I am afraid that I will still be angry, who would care about a supreme emperor who has no rights, just say that in the Longtai Palace, in a short period of time, many eunuchs and maids ran away to find connections and transfer to the new king.

Physician Zuo and others sighed, and ordered people to make soup and medicine for the Holy One to take.

King Yu Wenmo of Chu successfully succeeded to the throne at the request of all the courtiers, and everything related to the succession was simplified.

After the new king succeeded to the throne, he immediately issued a decree to enshrine the emperor as the Supreme Emperor, and moved to the Rongtai Hall, which is relatively remote in the harem, to recuperate.

The king of Qin was a rebellious man who murdered the king to seek the throne. Even if he died, he would be demoted to a commoner and buried in a random grave.

In Huayi Palace, Empress Shao Baozhu received the news, but couldn't catch it all at once, and died directly.

The new emperor decreed that the empress should be demoted as a commoner and buried in a random grave.

After severely punishing the King and Queen of Qin, the new king issued several orders in succession.

He bestowed his own mother and concubine as Concubine De and lived in the Longevity Palace. Because the Supreme Emperor did not die, he could not respect Concubine De as Empress Dowager.

Fang Zhishu, the concubine of Chu Wang, was conferred the title of Empress of the Dynasty, and the side concubine of the Chu Palace was conferred the title of Concubine Shu, and several concubines were also conferred the title of nobles.

Several concubines of the Supreme Emperor were named Taifei, and they lived with the Supreme Emperor in Rongtai Hall to serve the Supreme Emperor.

In addition, Xinjun also generously rewarded a group of subordinates who followed him before.

Not only the National People's Congress of the Chu Royal Party was rewarded, but Yan Heng was also given a real position in charge of the Ministry of Officials.

Dongchen's court hall was full of joy. At this time, everyone forgot about the Supreme Emperor over the Rongtai Hall. The entire court hall and the capital city were in a state of prosperity.

Of course, some were happy, and some were unhappy. Those who had previously stood in line with the King Qin's party did not benefit from it.

Not only is there no benefit, but they also have to worry about the high-ranking new emperor Qiu Hou's settlement all the time, and slowly clean them up.

Therefore, the people of the King Qin faction are now acting with their tails in their hands.

In Yanling Prince's Mansion, Chu Yunxi tidied Yan Heng's clothes in a displeased mood, she said unhappily while arranging the clothes.

"Could it be too inhumane for you to be on duty before dawn in the future?"

Because Yan Heng has real power now, he has to go to the court every morning like everyone else. Yuwen Lingtian didn't give him a real job before, so he didn't have to go to the court.

Chu Yunxi felt that it would be better not to have a real job.

Yan Heng leaned over to kiss her and said, "From now on, you don't need to get up and tidy up for me, I just let someone else do it for me."

Chu Yunxi looked up at Yan Heng and said, "Do you think the new king really won't touch our Yan family?"

Yan Heng's eyes were deep, and he slowly raised his eyebrows and said: "He's just ascended the throne, and he's busy with a lot of things, so he won't have time to deal with us, but when he stabilizes, he can't say for sure."

"I think Yu Wenmo is very insidious, so the prince should be careful. I saw before that one of the staff members of King Qin turned out to be a member of His Royal Highness Chu, so even if the prince didn't inform the king of Chu about the situation with Empress Shao, I'm afraid the king of Chu also knows."

(End of this chapter)

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