Chapter 965
The old concubine said: "Why don't you welcome me? It's too late for us to welcome you."

In the past, these imperial wives wished to leave Yan's house for thousands of miles, for fear of getting into trouble. Now that the Yan's family is being reused, they all come to flatter them. Chu Yunxi despises these people very much, but it doesn't show on the surface.

Compared with the excitement on the old princess and Chu Yunxi's side, Princess Lu's side is much more deserted, and many people don't want to get close to Princess Lu.

Because King Lu used to belong to the emperor's grandson's faction, and he had always been at odds with King Chu. Now that King Chu is in power, how could he treat King Lu in a good way? No, many people in the court have been reused, but King Lu was stunned. It's not even a matter, which is enough for people to see how much the emperor doesn't like King Lu.

Chu Yunxi sympathized with Princess Lu quite a bit, but she suffered an unreasonable disaster. The relationship between King Lu and the emperor's eldest grandson was beyond her control, but in the end she was implicated.

But even if she sympathizes, Chu Yunxi will not lose her good intentions. If others don't know, it's not like she doesn't know.

There is no peace between the new emperor and the Yan family, he is just a little apprehensive at the moment, sooner or later he will take action against the Yan family.

Chu Yunxi was just thinking about it, when the voice of the eunuch in front of the palace gate suddenly came.

"The Empress is here, and the Concubine Shu is here."

All the wives in the hall rushed to the front of the hall, and then waited for the empress to come in, and respectfully greeted the empress.

"The courtiers have met the empress, and wish the empress a thousand years and a thousand years."

"Everyone get up," a dignified voice sounded, everyone thanked them and got up, and Chu Yunxi also got up behind them.

Queen Fang Zhishu's appearance matched her name very well, her whole body was full of elegant bookishness, but besides that bookishness, there was a touch of graceful and luxurious atmosphere, her gestures showed the demeanor of a mother.

Chu Yunxi thought of what the old concubine said earlier that the queen herself was very quiet and unobtrusive.

It seems that this new empress is a master of acting. She is very capable, but she never attracts attention. She is more scheming and scheming than Ye Liyue from the Ye family and Shao Qingzhu from the Shao family.

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, the queen in front had already led people all the way to the top of the hall.

But when she passed by Chu Yunxi, she stopped suddenly, turned her head and looked at Chu Yunxi with a smile.

Chu Yunxi immediately nodded to her, the queen walked over, stretched out her hand to hold Chu Yunxi, and said enthusiastically: "I have heard that Princess Yanling is a rare and rare woman in the world. I wanted to meet the princess, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance, so I finally got to meet today."

Holding Chu Yunxi's hand, the queen walked all the way to the top of the hall.

Chu Yunxi looked at the queen, and then at her holding his hand tightly, it seemed strange no matter how she looked.

Is she so close to the queen?This woman really can act.

It's just that they held her hand affectionately, so it's hard for her to shake off the queen's hand in front of everyone.

"The empress is too polite, and my wife is terrified. In fact, it's just praise from others, and it can't be taken seriously."

The queen smiled lightly and said: "Princess Yanling is too polite. Although we haven't seen it often, people have always told me about your deeds, so I know you very well."

(End of this chapter)

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